
This is what a fest/con looks like when planned by amateurs. Look people it takes a significant amount of time to pull off a good convention. It takes a minimum of 2 1/2 years to properly plan one, and that is assuming there are no major delays.

I live in North Pole Alaska where the Temps drop to minus 50 or lower. These folks getting hurt are trying to do this in minus 20 weather. Way too warm for that. To do this right.. You have to have cold minus 40 or higher and then do it. The Alaskan North Slope and here are mainly the places this is done and are most

Bombe de terre.

And here’s DeviantArt weighing in:

For anyone open to cheap alternatives (as opposed to free), I highly recommend Affinity Photo, Designer, and (soon) Publisher. $40 each, lifetime updates, and nearly as full featured as Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.

Didn’t they already put out a trailer for this movie a while ago? It looked interesting.

Lol, people get fined more than that for sharing a music for over the internet.

Huh, knowing that this is Scott Adams of all people I assumed from the start that this coincidence was tongue in cheek. Keeping that in mind, there is a segment of the population that struggles to make ends meet and yet continues to spend several hundreds on the newest phone every. single. year.

Scott Adams is also a humorist... So there is a good chance he was being absurd on purpose.  And you took the bait and wrote an entire column about it.  

USAGE The standard English plural of octopus is octopuses. However, the word octopus comes from Greek, and the Greek plural form is octopodes. Modern usage of octopodes is so infrequent that many people mistakenly create the erroneous plural form octopi, formed according to rules for Latin plurals.

Fun fact:  if you given them crack, they become Kraken.

Here’s the thing, though: if you’re just padding your writing to make it look longer, any teacher/professor worth their salt is still going to be able to tell you didn’t develop your idea(s) well enough. I wish more teachers and professors would explain that it’s not really about word/page count. It’s about deeply

Don’t forget about this latest gem...

I probably have/had more bluetooth headphones than most of you reading this article. That said, there are times when it is still handy to be able to plug directly in to the 3.5 jack while the main usb on my phone is being used for charging. I prefer not to give up the convenience of having that option so as

So he would have been better off keeping the $2 billion and doing nothing with it?  I mean there are plenty of appropriate grievances to be aired towards Bezos.  Be better Hamno.  This is fucking weaksauce.  

Walmart and Microsoft Team Up to Take Down Amazon

I constantly try to get this point across to my kids while playing these games... You don’t have to get the most kills. Just the right kills.