
Her parents being a mystery was important specifically because they could use it as a bait and switch.

The greater star wars universe deified the Skywalker lineage- the movie implies that the galaxy reacted much the way that real world star wars fans did, in telling the stories of the Skywalkers as if they are Force royalty.

I loved it. No reservations.

I think her rebuttle spoke for itself: “I saved you, dummy. (...) we win by saving what we love.”

Well, grey hounds are also magic.

Honestly, human’s are fairly decent instinctive swimmers. Even babies can manage to hold their breath when submerged, and almost any adult can manage to float in still water (which that was) as long as they don’t panic. Since the weightless, airless feeling of being submerged is very similar to space but without the

He didn’t die doing a phone call, he died creating a perfect illusion from across the galaxy in order to scare the actual fuck out of the first order.

Woo! I am 29, and was not old enough to have lived that, but its nice to have my hope validated.

You take that back! Those pretty Horse kitty-roos were gorgeous! I want a Kitty-roo pony!

They went through a hell of a lot together, and it was a pretty chaste kiss at a moment where they had both just survived something extremely deadly.

I though that at first, but now I’ve changed my mind. Holdo had no way of knowing that Poe would send out people on a secret suicide mission, he only had to behave himself for like, a day. I think she was trying to teach him a lesson about having faith in his commanders, maybe in the hopes that next time he is ordered

Actually, he had Rey say it herself, implying she searched her feelings and *knew it to be true* in the way of the force.

I LOOOOOVED it. I think I need a few more weeks to actually decide if any of the flaws I think are flaws are actually flaws, because I keep changing my mind.

I mean, I don’t usually die from the exertion of a Skype chat, but maybe you do?

I suspect that this movie will age wonderfully: On first sip, it is too unexpected, and all some people taste is the harsh newness of it- then they latch on to the easily recognizable surface flavors, and find that all they can taste is the disappointment of deconstructed heroes and last ditch humor. After letting it

It also makes sense that Finn, a recently defected Storm Trouper and Rose, an up till now grease monkey, would make some mistakes. Not even horrible mistakes: they only went with the shady hacker because they had no other choice, they told him no several times, he was there because he was the on the getaway ship. BB8

Exactly: Obviously in hind sight telling Poe would have avoided the disaster during the escape, but Holdo was trying to teach Poe a valuable lesson about trusting your leaders and looking at the big picture, a lesson that he *did* learn, but at a cost much higher than Holdo could have predicted. Its not on her, its on

This movie was about deconstructing the biggest flaw in the Star Wars mythos: That heroics are not the way to win a war, or build a future. Hero’s are not about what they do, but what they stood for, and if you are using last ditch heroism as your strategy you are going to get a lot of people killed and eventually

Leia was well within the potential survival time for space vacuum exposure, especially if you consider her ability to use the force as a justification for her ability to regain consciousness.

What made this movie so good is that Luke *failed*. He failed hard.