
Except using his very life force to face down Kylo Ren, simultaneously delivering the apology he should have made years ago, shaking up Kylo’s resolve and eroding at his justification for turning, saving his sister, proving that even too little too late is still better than losing hope, and becoming a force ghost

You do realize that they *were* the droids they were looking for, right? So what your saying is that weak minded people will only see a tribute, but those strong with the force or with strong wills will understand that it *is* the Star Wars sequel you are looking for?

I don’t have, and don’t want, regular cable. Netflix+internet, even after price hikes, is still WAY cheeper than internet+cable. I also have my whole family on netflix.

As an engineer, I would like to call you on your complete missing of the point:

While I generally agree with you as far as the watching of the troop movements, and I have no problem with them fudging the order of evens slightly to keep the pacing entertaining, the problem I have is when something happens that is clearly impossible, and it results in a major upset to the tide of the war.

I also don’t know if his possible? inability to father a child is relevant or not.

I dunno, Wasn’t Lyanna older than Ned? I feel like the inheritance laws of the north are vague in this situation, since Bran... isn’t in the running, and Sansa is a girl. If Sansa can inherrit, than so can Ned’s older sister’s son. If Sansa cannot, that makes Jon the next male heir since Bran... abdicated?

It literally says Korean Church of Asgard in the picture, in English.

There were so many points where this movie could have veered cool.

The earth is so moody. The other planets are much more stable by comparison. Mars and Venus are both impressive and impressively resistant to change, insistently comfortable in their contrasting natures, unlike the relatively fragile and easily upset Earth.

Rainbow Bright. Of course.

Its not necessarily preventative of intelligence, but it might be preventative of space travel and electromagnetic technological advancement- water absorbs electromagnetic radiation significantly more than atmosphere, and if you can’t see the stars because your eyes are adapted for being under water (or there are

I think you are serious overestimating the percentage of the population willing to have the shit beat out of them without real provocation.

I think it looks fine. Good even. Its really cool.

How could you expect anything less from this show?

New England was the area in the country who gave Trump the least electoral votes.

Yeah! But, do make a movie of Wicked. Preferably animated.

We could just make everyone in the class smarter. Then “the smart kid” would be “the kid”. Lets also remember- we didn’t lose the election because we were one kid in a class of 20, we are the majority. A large majority of people didn’t vote for Trump.


I think these are fun! I love the unexpected!!