
There’s none of the Shakespearean space politics, enticingly florid dialogue, or experiential thrills of the best of George Lucas’s “Star Wars” entries (“Attack of the Clones” and “Revenge of the Sith”).

To be perfectly honest, I am surprised that the number of people believing GMOs were harmful were so low. I feel like I am constantly having to explain that the difference between conventional crop development and GMO crop development is that GMO crops usually have a higher safety standard to meet before they can hit

Basically. He has no way of knowing where she got that information from, so the argument was a hopeless rabbit hole.

Hence the “to a degree” that I posted. The statistic is unhelpful and the comparison is meaningless, and that is obvious to anyone with any experience with statistics, but laymen do not think that way. They’ll see sciency sounding garbage and be unable to tell it from real information, so you cannot attack that part

That’s because she miss-quoted the statistic: The 18.5 statistic is correct for unarmed black men killed by cops vs cops killed by black men as percentages of their relative populations (the total number of cops, and the total number of black people. Unfortunately, the statistic checks out to a degree, even if the

They did though! its only 25 minuets.

Its not even that important that his base cares- whats important is that the majority of voters (58%) who didn’t participate in the election get motivated to take a stand against the GOP. Especially come 2018.

2016. The worst.

I can’t help it. I feel bad for him.

We are better off now that we were before those events. Failure is only tragedy if you don’t keep moving forward, keep learning.

I have questions about Uma. And octopuses.

Clearly, his hand is fine. He just likes to wear a hook over it. I expect to see that hook appear and disappear with random regularity.

It just means you cannot use a growth based model anymore. Growth = resource consumption increase anyway. What you need is a sustainable growth model and a reduction that is very slow.

S’called free birth control and support to get women in the work force. Seriously. Its not hard or even costly when you weight it against the benefits.


I posture that it failed because Rocky Horror Picture Show is just not that great.

I propose the following:

Definitely. I mean, 90% of the time I am not bothered by unnecessary fan service (like, fan service that contributes nothing to the plot/aesthetic or is perhaps tonally inconsistent), and I certainly don’t begrudge anime that was written to be about fan service, but sometimes I would just like to watch an anime and

I’m not really upset with their choice. I mean, I’m not convinced that the majority of people would swerve into a truck to avoid one kid- If there is really no time to stop, I’m not convinced a human would even be able to identify the object they are about to hit, let alone make a moral choice about it.

My favorite thing I ever learned about the universe was that, even though it doesn’t revolve around us, we, and there for I (since the distance between myself and the rest of humanity is negligible on this scale), am still at the center of the (observable) universe.