
I wish I was confident that this was satire.

More like “**ck Facts- Apparently many of you only care about what your Red leaders want you to feel. I give up.”

Willful ignorance happens when you care more about not being wrong than actually figuring out the truth.

To be fair, showers are magical. And so is Giselle, so having knowlege that is only helpful to catchy lyrics is definietly within her potential power-set.

For those of us too lazy to join pottermore, what are the 5 questions, out of curiosity?

I... don’t actually have a problem with any of the stuff they described, I like the color, but it tells me basically nothing about the car.

Very seldom are cats considered pets

I am so excited for more delicious badness. This is going to be AMAZEBAD

You are wrong, Snowden is a hero. I bet you support Trump.

Dead parents, more likely.

Interestingly, that statement can be true as well as this one:

There’s certainly no theoretical or scientific evidence to suggest it CAUSES warming

My favorite criticism was the guy who used a double negative “it cannot not be an R2 unit”. If you ignore the typo aspect (which you obviously must) it makes the rest of the comment look like insane gibberish.

Lolz. CBS is one of those channels that broadcasts for free. If I cared that much, I’d hook up the antenna I have in case I host thanksgiving and everyone wants to watch sports ball.

I disagree, I think hard shell 3-4lb lobsters taste the best, so I imagine that a huge monster like this one would still taste better than slimy post-molt soft shell chicks. Talk about nasty.

For all those wondering: there are many groups that do real fights in open fields at renfaires. It’s cool as hell, and they are always happy to discuss the history and details of the martial art.

I was completely unprepared for The Fox and the Hound as a kid. I am still unprepared as an adult.

Lol. See you tomorrow, after having not slept.

My co-worker and I have been talking about the coming microbial revolution for a long time.

NBC is an OTA free broadcast channel- You do not need cable to watch it, they get their money from advertising, and the Olympics is not exactly content they produce on their own. To require cable to watch it over the internet is ludicrous. All they need is a zip code so they can target their advertising appropriately,