
I don’t have cable and it was just to damn inconvenient to try and watch what I wanted to watch when I wanted to watch it. I was working during most the the live events, and the streaming kinda sucked.

Using the elliptical (the kind with moving arms, the kind without arms is garbage) with the resistance high is WAY easier than running, mentally, and it end up burning more calories in the end because you are using your whole body. Its also better for joint health.

I feel like if this was a blonde (vanilla oreo cookie) version, it would be awsome.

Nothing, nothing, in the end made sense. I refuse to believe any effort was made at making that ending not just a nonsensical string of cool seeming action shots smooshed together at the last minuet.

Diablo was actually pretty great, but the abomination of a last act put a damper on him (pun intended, even though it was bad).

They were.

That is what it is about, except the buddies are actual bros (brothers) and they fight the supernatural things. Possibly with the muscle car.

This is exactly my opinion, except that Castiel is amazing. I think I actually skipped part of season three to get to him faster.

We should live in caves that stay roughly the same temperature year round and use renewable energy generation to make any adjustments necessary. And we should have everyone who cannot walk to work telecommute.

The science of whether or not it is happening is settled, which is still somehow up for debate with self serving climate deniers and the politicians who cater to them.

I hated, and still hate this movie, for only one reason.

And, Will smith was definitely less evil than Mean lady. This was obvious and fact.

Her plan changed literally every time she talked about it. Enchantress was definitely tripping.

It did blow up a satellite and some secret ground thingies that we were told were important but didn’t actually hurt anything.

I thought the movie held up fairly well until the third act. There were a few moments where the tone was off, but in general it was very watchable and enjoyable. I expected to hate the joker way more than I did (I kind think he was a well done joker, actually, except for his over the top obsession with Harley that

People gamble all the time and call it fun. (IMO) It is really fun to find a new pokemon, or a high level pokemon, and know that you have risked nothing but a little time and gotten at a minimum a little adventure and a little exercise.

People gamble all the time and call it fun. It is really fun to find a new pokemon, or a high level pokemon, and know that you have risked nothing but a little time and gotten at a minimum a little adventure and a little exercise.

... He’s actually aqua man, isn’t he.

Since *Libertarian Party members