
I would argue that Trump is actually Franz Liebkind, and someone else behind the scenes is Max Bialystock. Maybe Hillary?

What the f*** did I just watch.

I like the way the vibrate, its like a tooth massage. I literally could not care less about their cleaning prowess, and it encourages me to change my brush as often as I should (since the batteries are non replaceable)

I was hiking on the white mountains this weekend, and after a three hour trek to the peak I check and had nearly full reception while I was at the summit.

That is a waste of a perfectly delicious lobster. The only reason to save super big and old lobsters is so they can boost the breading stock (or as a novelty, but that’s silly). If it was a male, it might not even do that, since they only breed with females who are bigger than they are (and either way, an aquarium

He is so in to this song, and I am in awe.

GUYS. Treadmills. You can binge watch and do mild exercise at the same time. If you don’t have a treadmill, audio books are awesome and can be listened to while walking anywhere, anytime.

You take that back about the gushers. Gushers are magic.

Right, but it also changes the kind of bacteria, and may cause over fermentation. (this is conjecture) Perhaps since the bacteria that live in yogurt are not really hurt by the sugar, they may just continue to bloom, making the yogurt too sour. Or, maybe (again, conjecture) the sugar allows other microbes like yeasts

It works many times if you change the name after the evolution- you have to change it to something else after it evolves in order for it work on another eevee

The War on Drugs, in America, (which was kicked into high gear by Nixon, not Reagan) has been directly responsible for the way the drug industry has grown to destabilize many of the countries south of the border, whether or not you believe that the destabilization was intentional or not.

That’s because this one was on Nixon and the idiotic war on drugs.

Big Trouble Little China.

I have full fat (no sugar or fruit added) greek yogurt with unbroken seals last months after their expiration date with absolutely no loss in flavor and certainly no spoilage.

I mean, I didn’t actually think Venkman creeping on literally everyone was funny, but I enjoyed the meta way Bill Murray performed (where Bill Murray played the strait man to Venkman as well as the rest) and also his dynamic with the rest of the group. I always though the original ghosbusters was just okay. I liked

Its the whole literally believing non-believers will burn in hell thing. That seems crazy to me. I mean, you can believe what you want I guess, but that’s kinda private. Telling someone they are going to hell is, by definition, forcing that belief on someone else, which people just don’t do around here unless they are

They removed them, yeah, but I don’t recall the confirmation about whether or not it was before or after order 66, I think it was just implied.

See, I would call someone who claims non-believers will “burn in hell” insanely religious, but I also live in New England.

AND if Captain Rex was with her, didn’t they drop a hint that his group didn’t execute that order during Rebels?