
So it’s a watered down version of Galaxy Quest via Futurama? Seems derivative.

He’s like an actual, living Spitting Image puppet.

(Honestly, I sort of gave up on any prospects of this being tolerable as soon as i saw the cowboy hat in the trailer.... )

Bowfinger is a good movie, though.


If by bad you mean underrated meta-brilliant, then yes.

I saw Harry Dean, so it naturally means I will love every nanosecond of this.

One of those movies where audiences with zero movie history context only really see 40% of it, and thereby get stuck with a lame spy parody with endless dick jokes.


Steve Vai? Nah— more like Yngwie Malmsteen...

Is she purposefully trying to sound like a drunken Jack Benny?

This has all become quite the shittiest third-rate John le Carré novel ever...

Huh, it’s almost like our enemies want to destroy us from the inside... 

Let the Social Horror cycle begin.

What do you throw out after the kitchen sink?

So what’s the punishment for treason?

In my alternate universe, she was cast as Wonder Woman.

Thanks for mentioning it’s basically a Film Noir. Because it is.