This is terrible and obviously everything sucks extra more because this is getting winknodded at by right-wing shitbirds. Also question... Startwaune???
This is terrible and obviously everything sucks extra more because this is getting winknodded at by right-wing shitbirds. Also question... Startwaune???
Girl, sit your no-singing, proto-Britney, Skeletor-lookin’ ass down.
Hoteps are black people (usually cis-hetero men) who support black liberation, but only from their view point. They’re like the white feminists of black people. They typically are dismissive of black women and black people in the LGBTQ community, often stating that feminism and queer rights are in conflict with their…
Plenty of blame to go around here (except maybe the dog), but I’d start with Ronald Reagan who defunded all the mental health facilities so the cops could put the mentally ill people in for-profit prisons.
And as per usual there is some racist troll in the grays who comes here to gleefully rub it in that our lives don’t matter whilst maligning a man who is being mauled while prostrate.
What is Hotep-Twitter?
I still remember sitting in the theater, watching that second Transformer movie and seeing those two come on the screen. I had a scowl stuck to my face for the rest of the movie. I was so mad. I left the theater thinking, “Fuck these Transformer movies and Michael Bay for life.”
American popular culture is full of examples of insulting characters made to “look” or “sound” black even when they are ostensibly something else. Jar Jar Binks from Star Wars, Skids and Mudflap from Transformers, Ben Carson.
“While these videos can be graphic in nature to view, keep in mind our canines are extremely effective at deescalating situations and preventing elevated levels of force to take people into custody,”
Why is the character holding the gun like that?
>>> Why is the character holding the gun like that?”
Yep, it’s also an easy way to attack while claiming plausible deniability. “We’ve heard from a number of sources that Obama wiretapped Trump.” Would you care to comment on that?” Fox News didn’t suggest that, they’re ‘just asking questions.’
Man, what happened with this dude? Is he on some fame trip?? Whoopi has said some questionable shit in the past but on this one she’s 100% correct. He’s full of shit.’s obvious that Deray didn’t get that deep because he saw a monkey with a blue vest on and started worrying about his brand
Mckesson accused filmmakers of mocking him by dressing up one of the apes in a blue vest, which Mckesson is known for wearing.
This has been a Fox News tactic for many years. “Some people are saying,” “word on the street is,” “we’ve been hearing,” without ever giving citation or sources.
LOL cry mor
Trump is Jim. Jimmy is Trump. Jimmy likes to talk about himself in the third person. Jimmy also has these special shoes that make him jump really high.