
“Those people in that country always want handouts. That’s why I keep saying we need a wall between us and them!”

The other way to look at it is that Josh Norman got known Trump supporter Dan Snyder to join a protest that was in part a response to comments made by Donald Trump.

Should have drank more water.

What does Ja have to say in a time like this?

It’s the random capitalization that really makes this pop. 

Only the Rams could put 46 points on the board and still manage to punt five times in a game.

I feel like a decent running gag would be to act as if every Rams game is their first ever


Because it was “isn’t” instead of “ain’t?” Or because there was an apostrophe and it was in the right place?

those thinner/lighter red rubber balls.

And I think this game brings people together.

You don’t want to waste your time on a story if the ending is not good. Nothing wrong with that.

Just scrolled down to find out who any of the 3 people in the title are.

Well first you should pick the baby back up.

Don’t sleep on the Gwent quests in Wild Hunt. They’re some of the more entertaining quests in the game. Also, Gwent is awesome once you get the hang of it. Northern Realms all the way.

This is a very good comment.

There is so much about this:

Can Dolorous Edd read or write? Are there any highborn members of the Night’s Watch left in Castle Black? Do they have a Maester who knows which raven to send to Winterfell? No? Ok then.

“This time, don’t be afraid to lean into it.”

The most remarkable part of this article is that a non-HD option is still a thing.