
yeah , me too.

Ok, I will be the troll here. Can I just say I shouldn't have to earn their service? Wait staff know the job they take. Some are better than others but all should do their best to meet the needs of their customers. They should do it because that is their job and it is what they are paid to do.

"you have to work like 10 straight're always dropping your hard earned cash on lozenges for your sore throat, and you rarely get a chance to really show some talent"

Have you seen her ass?

Some plastic surgeons should be punished.

I'd make a tight end joke, but it wouldn't be relevant in her case.

Probably the best reasoning for EA removing features.

Pretty nice trailer. Still, I have to say:

Do you think any motorcycle with that seating position is a scooter? Have you tried to convince harley enthusiasts of that idea? I mean the meth using wife beating kind, not doctors and lawyers.

To be fair to Fallon, it seemed like he was missing intentionally to allow Brosnan a sporting chance...

I know this:

I havent smoked a cigarette since November. I was a half-a-pack a day smoker.
I gradually tapered off to the point that I am vaping less than 2 ml a day, of 4.5 mg/ml.
My car doesn't smell.
My apartment doesn't smell, and I don't have to go outside.
I have spent far less than on cigarettes.
I have what

Sadly we've all played this game in one form or another.

Now playing

video fail for not using Danger Zone as the background music.

One thing I learned very quickly on Steam: always research upcoming titles as thoroughly as possible before purchase—especially when getting into an Early Access program.

I got burned hard once—by Castle Story.

Never. Again.


All I can is I sympathise. The only people who ever say "man up" or "it's the internet" are the people who don't see the private hate mail.

well, the US is a democracy and yet it too is corrupted, partially by the out of control military industry. And its run mostly by humans!

That's why I like KOTR so much, no baggage from the series

The movie starts with him shaving and then his children tries to return the beard to him. And they slowly learn the way of the force and everything there is to know about beards.

Yup it's definitely still one of the best MMO's out. Been playing since release and over that time i've tried FFXIV, ESO, SWTOR, Wildstar and a few other F2P titles I don't care to mention. Of those titles, Wildstar is the only one I'm still playing-ish (was in the closed beta's as well), But GW2 is just such I nice