
lol IM fully content with mining and being chased by pirates.... ahhhhhhhh the simple life of a miner is more than enough for me

Couldnt i get the same deal if i asked my girlfriend to not shave!!??! and only pay about twice that much!??!

Welllllll this got depressing really fast..... thanks...

I don't get it..........................

Its a slow day!?!?! I learn that just about everyday...

Any pilots in here that wouldn't mind hooking a brother up with a flight to Tokyo?!?! I dnt much care if we come back......I love kit kats and asian women to death... this is just too much torture right here....

P.S. Any one looking for college aged Asian women need look no further than Disney World during Christmas

Needs more poop.... skyrim poop........

Exactly what i was thinking..

WHoaaaaaa way too soon!!!

Thank you for correcting me. A number of my friends had read this as well and at first glance they also got it mixed up. SO I thought it would be funny if I made the comment

You and I are two very different people. haha

This.... comment... scared me. lol


I do miss that shit... and very good ppoint... although i do love the randomness of his gore now adays... lol frakenpikachu

Every second you sit on that toilet longer then you have to youre risking hemoroids.... I have had one to many friends with hemoroids and its painful stuff.

Imagine their is no pain or massive amount of crap to hold back. or is it like that saying "Its better to barely crap your pants, than never to have crapped at all."

Thank you for correcting me. However the way i see it mines alot funnier hahaha.

hahahahahahaha the Shadman has the perfect set of drawings for u my friend hahhaa

If you told me... that I never had to poop again... id be happy........ I mean who would miss pooping?!?!? I wouldn't.....

GAHHH totally forgot about this beautiful series!!!!! They need to make a new one.. :/