Lab Ninja

Thorium reactors? Are they realistic?
-A Chemist

I know your heart’s in the right place, but why not Freevalve them instead? You get ALL the MPGs and ALL the power, with itty bitty living space. Added bonus: Way fewer moving parts, massive leap in removing parasitic losses. Can also lengthen the stroke (=TORQUE) because very small head.

Yes, I want the Phoenix.

The Sky is a better looking car than the Solstice. IDGAF what anyone thinks.

So, A Civic Type-RFR?

The taillight shape from the original should have been incorporated in to the new design, for sure. They could have done a Corvette-like thing where they keep the same idea in each iteration, just restyled for the current model.

And it weighs about 450lbs less than a Bug-Eye WRX.

I said before, and I’ll say again, people actually want more torque. If this was tuned to 200/200, people would slobber all over it after a drive, and it’d feel way more fun.

The Tacoma owners know all bout that torque problem.

Which version of Frank Castle are you talking about? LOL

For the USA:


Frank Castle HATES cops. I’m almost certain he’s killed many.

Frank Castle hates cops. He’s probably killed dozens.

I’d prefer Destroyer.

I have to wait until fucking OCTOBER for Morbius? I’ll have seen Venom 2 BEFORE Morbius?

That’s some bull shit.

You could share a link to it, mate.

The tunes are wildly different. How they respond to throttle, how the trasnmissions react to your foot, steering wheel weighting...

I’ve heard rumors floating about, and this looks like it could be the beginning of a slow retcon of the Star Wars: Mary Sue trilogy, IMO.

If I’m spending 50k+ on a Toyota sports car?
2 words: