Do gift cards count as cash?
Do gift cards count as cash?
Eh, I could see it going either way.
No, it's a metal processing shop. We're actually really diverse (the employees are), but me, my father (it's a family-run business), and my aunt are the only people with college-level education. So, all the whites are the blue-collar no-college-degree type that are the stereotype with this kind of racial dipshittery
Only a few months, maybe he'll de-ass
Seeing a woman in the photo, I was like "at least the ladies are stepping up on their creep game", but nope. More dudes
She's curiously the same age as that Paul Rudd portrait though…
I think it's because of how overmatched Ron is compared to Hermione. She's obviously smarter than Harry or Ron, but Harry has a courage and sense of righteousness that I think is meant to play off of her well (I think of how she does great in everything except DADA in Prisoner of Azkaban, whereas Harry only aces that…
I just love how he's threatening bipartisanship "I swear to God, if you don't push this legislation through, I'll be forced to use my position of power to craft legislation that is actually good for the people and represents the diverse viewpoints of our country"
I haven't read up much on the news today (although the Wall Street Journal thinks we're headed towards recession possibly… there's a paywall sorry), so I'll let you all know that I had someone at work complain about how whiny and thin-skinned people are nowadays (the subject of race came…
Probably works better in French…
I wish I had come out with "Weep, you girls. My penis has
given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous
I don't even want to know.
If I don't have an aneurysm by the end of this administration, it'll be purely because of some medical marvel devised by countries that still invest in scientific research. Because this bullshit really gets to me
I don't know whether you're hoping for our salvation or doom
I wonder if Illinois ever thinks "hmmm, maybe I'm the problem" before immediately electing another criminal governor
"We've always been at war with South Korea"
-Melissa McCarthy/Sean Spicer/Sarah Michelle Gellar Sarah Huckabee Sanders, June 2019
Democrats are trying to develop an eye-catching economic platform (… ). Democrats being Democrats, half of them went "Eh, I'll just do my own thang, since taking the least active, most moderate positions has taken us so far"
"If you didn't want an ulcer you should have chosen a planet with smarter citizens"