
Any legally minded types out there that can wade through the distractions and comment on the legal side of things here, I thought in general you do have to pay people for using their work. Do they actually have a viable dodge and how so or is this a case of they thought they wouldn’t get caught (somehow) but they were

I’m not going to say it’s at the level of soccer or anything, but bowling does require some degree of athleticism. To that affect, bocce requires less athleticism than bowling. You ever see a 90 year old man throwing a 16 pound bocce ball while swing his leg out like a baseball pitcher?

As some of us have been saying for years, IoT is a very bad idea.

Some good news this terrible week. Here’s hoping that this case actually gets to a jury with a legitimate prosecutor working for the victim, not the cops. And next up, a re-examination of the murder of Tamir Rice. And last, get rid of qualified immunity and if cops were found to have lied about material facts, show me

“Yojimbo” has been remade as well with the last one being Bruce Willis in “Last Man Standing”.

Reconstruction lasted all of 5 minutes before the southern states enacted the Black Codes. Also, we see that those loyalty oaths did nothing. Their descendants spent the 1900s getting Confederate statues put up in mostly black neighborhoods, and they also spent that time getting school books changed to teach the “War

This reads like a god damned Onion article. I hate this fucking timeline SO MUCH.

I’m trying to think of other movies where this treatment would have been great. Lynch’s Dune springs to mind first.

I like 1 and 2. I don’t care for 3 because I don’t want to make their salty asses even saltier. They need to just let that lost cause bullshit go.

But that’s my point..

WandaVision got huge numbers for its trailer, so it looks like the demand is still there.

The idea of not having enough Asian representation in movies on screen and behind the scenes is incredibly valid.

This looks really good but its hard to watch knowing that the generation who is yelling “The whole world is watching” is the same generation saying “Make America Great Again”. I know there are still boomers who want to fight for equality and the end of unjust wars but you know that so many of those “counter culture

Oh man, the immediate depreciation on engagement rings is insane... 75% of the value is gone when the receipt hits your hand/inbox.

One, glad they’re planning for a series finale instead of hastily putting one together in a few months.

Two, I’m glad Melissa will get time off to spend with her newborn (I’m guessing her agents didn’t push for another new contract and the studio has been looking to cut costs due to covid)

Three: The show has had its

Yea, I mean I thought this was standard for most reputable websites in 2020

The H-6K is China’s upgraded version of an old Soviet plane, but it’s capable of carrying nuclear weapons and was specifically designed to threaten Taiwan and any U.S.-allied ships in the Pacific.

Why the hell does anyone treat this guy as a reliable source of news in the first place?

Maybe Vitolo-Haddad is also a fake “they”.

One, can we please stop with villain prequels.  Between the Star Wars prequels and Maleficent, I've noticed they only demystify an interesting villain.  Second, boy I hope everyone involved gets used to Ken Keseys ghost, because if he hated what was done to Cuckoos Nest then he would have hated this with the rage of a