I doubt is is disguised as a torpedo...that is simply the optimal hydrodynamic shape, to reduce noise, and increase efficiency.
I doubt is is disguised as a torpedo...that is simply the optimal hydrodynamic shape, to reduce noise, and increase efficiency.
The UAW profited THREE TIMES Donald Trumps wealth ($10B) from the bailout...alone. Yeah...they make far too much.
If the move crippled the UAW and destroyed it...I am all for it!
Those are some beautiful cars!
Lmao! I had an 04 SVT.... It was a pretty damned good car. Not a Vette in the handling department...but a good car.
The Serial, year of manufacture...and photos should be enough to make a ball park appraisal. To be accurate...the appraisal needs to be conducted in person, as condition is king.
This is the dumbest reply I have ever seen. You should be ashamed.
No - you open yourself up to possible taxation issues. Guns are tangible property...and have have inherent value.
Most weapons...in a large portion of the country...do not need to be “registered” unless they are Class Three weapons - (Fully automatic).. that registration would be Federal - and you would need a Class Three to assume ownership.
And they will not buy them...report you to the police...and you will get jail time.
No...sell them to a licensed gun dealer. Buyback is inherently stupid, and leaves too much money on the table.
YEP. gun buyback is for morons.
Give them to me. Simple answer. I’ll sign paperwork.
Drive one...it is a really good car. Unless of course you idolize the prius.
Fiero GT’s are a blast! I don’t understand why people malign them...they are actually great cars (assuming one gets one that has not been ruined by previous owners)
Why is this terrible?
They really aren’t terrible. For their time...they were awesome. And they are a lot of fun. And there is a ton of aftermarket for them....