Steve Bowling

Playing the beta of Destiny I really like it as the maps are HUGE and the quests are challenging and you can go back and do them in harder modes. I like the fact the armor and weapons are upgradeable and unlock abilities for you. When you level your character gets points to upgrade your abilities and you can for

To me Titanfall was just kind of another multiplayer shooter with a tiny bit of parkour and mechs.

I'm kind curious what draws you into Destiny, because that is a shooter I squarely pointed to as full of hype, and literally does nothing new for shooters from my playtime in the alpha and beta. You have intermittent times where other players stream in for the Guild Wars 2 equivalent of dynamic events...but

I get what you're saying but I have to disagree till I die. The parkour makes that game. It literally changes everything. If you run around on the ground like you're playing any other shooter or aren't good at the parkour, I could see how someone would get the wrong impression of it but to me and many others, it makes

Same here. I really wanted to get Titanfall now I'm playing destiny beta and I'm like what! Titanfall not today man not today. I am even thinking of also not buying battlefield 4 because of destiny

I think what some people may fail to appreciate is how well balanced the game is. I understand some people losing interest in mastering the game, but this is COD4 level fun in my view. I haven't enjoyed multiplayer this much in years. The titan to running transitions feel very fluid and natural. What Respawn did with

It severely disappointed me when I saw the price tag and how little the game truly offered. Namely, that "realistic AI" that's been touted for a while now thanks to the "magic of cloud servers" which is absolutely abysmal when compared to last gen video games, as well as no real campaign mode of any kind, whatsoever.

Nope. I'm not a shooter fan, so I fell for all that "if you don't like shooters, this is the shooter for you" hype. And it didn't do it for me. For a game that was supposed to be the shooter that people who don't like shooters would like, it was disappointing how little there was to the game. Interest exhausted in a

same me and a few of my friend who play quite a few fps and tried the beta all said it is pretty repetitive and boring and hardly anyone bought it on friendlist of steam so i was actually quite surprise every website praise it like second coming of Jesus

I think this game's popularity relied on how long the parkour and mechs kept people interested. It just lasted longer for some.

This was a mistake. There was no reason for a revision, especially if the revision still ignored several key things The biggest being that she was allowed to write this piece on here to begin with and not put it on her personal blog.

He's said in a few interviews that A) his record label contract is now over; B) in the age of YouTube, he'd prefer to just release songs online rather than take months to produce an album that risks feeling dated and late since there are so many parodies on the web everywhere.

TAY: We love anime.

How about this: I am not interested in talking to strangers, but I am interested in talking to my friends. Why is this so hard for people (game developers) to figure out?

I was about to say this exact same thing. Last thing I want is to listen to some bratty little douchebag cussing at me while I'm playing.

It would have been nice if there was a little trash talking. Just some stuff like "Left you in the dust!" or "You got SO lucky! :("
