The Powershift in Steve's '12 Ford Focus killed it's TCM (under warranty!)

Headline should read “VW, in surprising good move, decides competing with the Honda Ridgeline for truck market share is a shit idea. Goes back to promising electric everything soon.”

Part of what irks me is the dealership keeps asking to buy my car (FiST) back so they can sell it used.

Lol what percentage of non-fleet buyers choose a regular cab truck? What percentage of Wranglers sold are 2 door? Hint: both are very low. No one wants regular cab trucks and 2 door vehicles, that’s why they are disappearing. Offering a 2 door Gladiator would be a giant waste that would appeal only to broke ass

WD-40 is not a lubricant. Common misconception. 

Its actually a very bad thing to use for all of those. It doesnt inhibite rust, it actually promotes it. It doesnt lubricate. It is flamable and it does smell.

WD-40 is not a lubricant, and people who use it as such are only setting themselves up for long term failure. It provides lubricant-like results for a very brief period of time, but in the end, will only dissolve any remaining prior lubricant from the application area and then evaporate itself, leaving you with

You know those potato cannons made with PVC pipe and a grill igniter? How you’re supposed to use hair spray to launch the ‘tater?

A pal from the old GDR told me how you got a Trabbi:

There’s a difference between “it broke while harvesting and I need it back in service ASAP” and “it stopped while harvesting because the cabin air filter reached its service hours limit and an authorized service tech needs to come out and replace it with an OEM filter and reset the timer to get it working again.” And

The issue is that John Deere’s proprietary tech is ridiculously invasive. If you have to wait for a tech every damn time you have a breakdown during harvest - and all of your neighbors have to wait for a tech too - that’s a ton of lost time. And techs aren’t cheap either.

The new systems literally will NOT recognize components, unless a John Deere Representative comes out and runs their recognition USB key to unlock the tractor.

This would be like if you needed to change the brakes on your car and could only go to the dealership, because the moment you removed the wheel, the engine

I think the problem isn’t just ‘needing a computer’. If I remember right, it’s like dealer only diagnostic tools with cars. It’s that it has to be a Deere authorized mechanic with a proprietary set of hardware that they won’t sell you, and you can’t just use any old laptop.

Yeah, here’s a quote from one of the earlier

You ever ridden a bike in South Carolina in the summer? I have. You’ll need a shower once you get to your destination. 

I think you missed the point he made about bridges sometimes being out of service. Could you imagine setting out for a 7 mile bike ride and then getting a 30 mile bike ride and explaining that to your boss when you show up at noon? Also it rains, there’s crazy humidity, and other factors that make biking to work less

One can hope that much like it happened with station wagons and minivans, as Gen Z ages they will come to look upon SUVs as dad and mom cars and reject them outright.

Good points made but just a heads up, K-12 is not free. It’s funded by our taxes. Nothing is free dear sir. Nothing.

Affordable college education disappeared because of federal student loans. The government made a pile of money available so schools raised prices to the limits of what people would borrow. With that they added staff, built buildings, etc and so on. Now there’s a lot of people dependent on that flow of money so we

I’m not sure why this statement has become so controversial over the last few years. Yes, I’m sorry but your art history degree will not give you the same opportunities as a computer science major. It’s not discrimination, it’s just supply and demand. Just because you spent the same amount of money and are in the same

Uber offers them a choice of pickups. The driver can choose to accept the job or not. The driver can also turn off the app and not work at all. It is the very definition of contractor. California is trying to solve an intractable social and economic problem by redefining work. If Uber and Lyft are put out of business

“Accept fare?”