The Powershift in Steve's '12 Ford Focus killed it's TCM (under warranty!)

How does it compare to the 80's and 90's Honda that made us fall in love with the brand? Hondas used to be brilliantly engineered, simple, and elegant.

I’d put money on it being Dickon rather than Bronn. I imagine they both wind up swimming to shore, then escaping to King’s Landing so Jamie can fulfill his destiny and kill Cersei. On the other hand, Bronn being part of the captured army Dany gives her ‘you’re with us or you’re against us’ speech to gets him back to

I’m shocked the aftermarket hasn’t started making them, even without Toyota’s help. That’s what happened with the original Chrysler Hemi (recast by Ed Donovan for racing use) and Dart with Chevy Small and Big blocks. Maybe knuckleheads need to blow more of these things up, so there aren’t enough used ones on the

If you read the article, the city’s waste treatment plant was an issue, along with other plants in and around the city. The article implies this is all GM’s fault, which isn’t the case. Go after everyone,*including the city*, otherwise it’s a witch hunt.

So did every other company in the country before the 1970s. While the Flint River may be toxic partially because of GM’s many plants, there are Flint Rivers all across the country that are toxic because the companies that lined them could dump chemicals in them with no consequence. Some of them have been held

I think the issue is that if they don’t grow beyond their current level of sales and profitability, there might not *be* a long term to worry about. Growing volume by broadening your appeal helps get sales you desperately need to survive. As long as you don’t completely abandon what made you great, you can circle back


As someone who has spent the vast majority of his life and driving career as an NJ resident, the one thing you need to do when driving in NJ is be decisive. Dawdling in the left lane, not holding a steady speed, drifting between lanes, using your right turn signal while drifting left...this stuff will throw us into a

You realize the Second Avenue Subway has been in the works for literally 100 years, right? It took that long, with a whole bunch of starts and stops throughout the past century, for it to even happen. Brooklyn’s gentrification happened in the past 5-10 years. Maybe in 50 there will be infrastructure improvements that

Penn Station has low ceiling, numerous pillars blocking the flow of traffic, plenty of narrow corridors and blind turns. It’s a place where tens of thousands of people must move through every day, but it’s basically MSG’s basement. No amount of cleaning it up will make it airy, open, and pleasant.

That’s exactly how it works, from infrastructure projects, to budget planning, to airline safety. Everything works on a ‘do nothing until you have to’ system. Or lack of system. Before Sandy, the only reason the MTA was upgrading the signals in the Subways was the difficulty of finding spare parts (since some they

Hundreds or thousands of safe rides a year with the old system makes the improvements of a better system hard to comprehend for the average rider. I agree that it should be done sooner rather than later, but the average person would be way more pissed about months or years of upgrades (take a look at the controversy

Yup, I’m a Stevens alum.

I’ve heard that the train was on track 5, so it literally crashed through that picture. I’m guessing that the posts near the signs got wiped out in the crash, which took down the ceiling. That also explains the amount of torn down wires you see in the pictures.

I doubt most safety systems currently implemented or planned for would be active on a terminal track like that.


I lived in Hoboken for 5 years during college, and occasionally took the train back home, so I can sympathize

I imagine there were plenty of people in the vestibules too, since it was rolling into the station. I hope no one wound up tossed between cars. That would be rather gruesome...

Interestingly, the cars didn’t appear to telescope. Maybe Comet Vs are crash rated?