The Powershift in Steve's '12 Ford Focus killed it's TCM (under warranty!)

Do you still have to take the cab off to service the diesel?

The end result of this video is actually how most structures are protected from the spread of fire and toxic gases - heat and flame burns graphite-based materials that expand and form a dense carbon char that seals gaps in fire resistant barriers.

Someone call the NHTSA, we need to make sure God doesn’t have the same blind spots Teslas do.

I’ve seen that .gif for years now, and only yesterday did I notice the window frame and hood.

The best part about that gif is how the window frame (?) and the top of the hood keep right on going with no change in trajectory or speed.

Because this isn’t about limiting gun deaths, this is about political grandstanding.

It took a while, but it’s nice to find someone down here in the grays making sense. Pity the echo chamber won’t be disturbed, since God forbid anyone read these comments.

That refers to marathons (26.2 miles) and half-marathons (13.1 miles)

Agreed. If Ford sold Focus wagons in 2012, I would be driving one of them rather than my hatchback. I considered the VW Jetta wagon, but VW’s reputation for unreliability scared me off...

That might have been the least confusing part of the performance.

If you’re buying a blue Porsche this year, it better be Graphite Blue Metallic (image from the ever talented Puppyknuckles)

...and I suddenly remembered that 3 speeds had a dog leg first gear. Does this make them cool?

Have you ever had Bojangles? You lived in Atlanta, so I imagine you have, but if not, stop and have some.

The old Expanded Universe always described the Y-wing and old and obsolete, so the Rebels were able to buy or steal them from surplus dealers, planetary defense forces, junk yards, and other sources. If the Y-wings were pushed into mothballs or sold off as surplus soon after the Clone Wars, then they probably never

It saddens me immensely that the Star Destroyers in the last few scenes of Ep. III were Venators rather than Victories.

I love how that first picture is basically a medium duty cab plunked down on top of a platform that covers the engine and front of the frame. Styling? I don’t need no stinking styling.

I agree that the market will bear the price, but the car has to be ‘worth it’. The turbo motor on an otherwise middling compact luxury car isn’t without more the sport suspension we both agree would be nice.

Yes, I was thinking of the ILX. Can’t keep the alphabet soup they call model names straight sometimes.

Honestly, I’m considering looking at the TSX with a stick for the same reason. A semi-lux Civic Si for base model prices? Yes please.