
I wouldn’t even give them 50% accurate. Maybe in lab conditions with some pretty strict standards and very simple questions.

All these things do is detect a bunch of physiological reactions, and assume they represent stress. That that stress can be consistently tied to lying.

Are people really this unaware that polygraph tests don’t work. They are only about 50% accurate, which makes them literally useless. The fact that we use them in court cases is truly scary.

“This is a reductionist argument that doesn’t take into account the benefits of NFTs”


That’s what the blockchain is. There are only a handful of instances where it’s useful, but in those instances, it’s one of the best technologies for that specific application.”

This is a very eloquent and rational-sounding rebuttal that avoids the usual name-calling and I thank you for it.

Could it also be that the President’s powers are also semi-vague and presidents from Teddy Roosevelt to Trump found ways to get their agenda pushed through and at times deliberately bypassed Congress to do so?

More likely his approval rating is tanking because people fully understand the implications of the phrase “Bully Pulpit” despite it not appearing in any ‘official’ role of the President and see the President absolutely refusing to use it in any capacity.

Amazon just can’t seem to catch a break

It’s fucked up that they did this midflight, with people that only felt comfortable flying because everyone was going to wear masks and that ended midflight in a space they didn’t have the option of leaving (like a restaurant or store). I was on a flight on Sunday with a child and we wouldn’t have flown without

Also, “Activision Blizzard said today’s announcement had nothing to do with those labor efforts. “This conversion of nearly 1,100 QA workers at Activision and Blizzard does not have any relation to the petition pending at Raven studio,” a spokesperson told gamesindustry. “The Raven situation is limited to Raven. The

I’m from a place where unionization is basically a given and this whole union busting concept isn’t a thing, but... eh... wouldn’t getting improvements to working conditions on the mere threat of unionization be definite proof that unionization is the way to go?

Shorter Activision: Pleeeeeeeeeeeease don’t unionize!

Welp. Kind of sad they decided to take action now, not when Ezra was on camera literally choking a girl and pushing her to the ground. They scream asshole.

Oh no. Please not Volvo. It’s bad enough we already lost the other extremely sensible Swedish car company, don’t let us lose Volvo to a masquerade as a tech company.

I wish I could get into One Piece. It seems like a neat world and I love anime.

Why would the president of an actual nation satellite in to speak to the Oscars? That’s an absolutely deranged idea. It’s already weird how much time Zelenskyy appears to have to consistently roll out new video messages, but even inviting him to speak to the Oscars would have been crazy. It’s a fancy party for

Have you ever seen a photo of the WTC on fire? News is news and it’s not always pretty

Article: notes fact that likely corrects many peoples’ initial assumption.

How could it be clickbait if it’s a stub at the end of the article? They already got your click if you read that part.