
He would actually go to dealerships and get vehicles but put them in their names and sign all the paperwork, sign their names

Just admit you lost interest and aren’t going to finish the series. It would be less disappointing. Its never going to be done, its been more then a decade, I don’t even want it anymore.  Last two books kinda sucked and I have no reason to assume the quality of a finished book 6 would be worth the wait.  I used to be

The free world should keep all lines of dialogue open.”

Good for them!

Basically. Gizmodo and a bunch of its sister sites went on strike

Cool now do Saudi Arabia, China, Israel, and the United States. This is a meaningless gesture and if anyone can't see that, I don't know what to tell you. Just like sanctions, all this does is punish the people and not the government. Do you think Russians are gonna overthrow Putin cause they can't see super hero

“One man’s ego”? Oversimplistic fuckery.

Not that I expect brilliant international relations analysis from Jezebel, but I have to love how for all the complaining about imperialism, this is the most America-centric analysis of Ukraine I have ever seen. There isn’t even a mention of Europe, their over reliance on Russian gas (especially Germany), NATO,

This man’s contempt for government is just staggering, given how much his companies depend on that institution for their success.

Let’s be real: this is the fault of our elected officials. Dems had all three branches under Obama and did fuck all about stuff like this. Biden will do fuck all about this. Until we have campaign finance reform no politician will do anything about this. Yet....every election we vote for these people because they’re

Yeah, people who glom onto conspiracy bullshit are generally just waiting for hard science to pierce the veil.

Spare us, dude. Bleeding hearts for the suffering mega-yacht industry?

It is more a statement, and you’re the one that made it for me. You deserve all the credit for it.

Then you are an idiot, and possibly a sociopath.

In terms of the bridge - I’m not sure what the issue is

We knew pretty quickly that leaded gasoline was bad was bad. This quote from NPR (just one of many sources) sums up why it was around for so long...

The US-centralized power alliance is murdering a whistle blower publisher, as surely as the Saudi regime murdered Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. The only difference is that Khashoggi was killed quickly by live dismemberment via bone saw while Assange is being killed slowly by lawfare.

“Obviously what I did is wrong,” JiDion said, “but how am I supposed to do better the next time if I can never get a next time?”

Why do y’all keep using intentionally unflattering photos of Britney? I know she often posts “regular” photos at home with messy hair and such on her social media, but you’re using photos from events that are less than flattering. There are plenty of photos from often the same events you’re using that are better

Please stop