
There’s zero details on the five cited instances where these documents were used. Therefore we have no idea how strong the corroborating evidence was beyond the fake papers that lead people to confess.

This horseshit is what led to the Central Park 5 getting convicted.

In California (Tesla’s largest market in the US) cops will ABSOLUTELY pull you over for a rolling stop. This is incredibly stupid. And $12k to beta test that shit? Tesla’s business model is building in an available scam into every car, and people will PAY for that shit. 

if you dont kill him off the bat thats the autosave point for that fight which suckssss

The human race is just determined to die of stupidity, one way or the other...

She sure can raise funds from “important” people, and make shrewd investment decisions with her husband. What else matters?

People keep telling me that Pelosi is a smart politician. I’ve yet to see evidence of that.

As always and forever: ACAB

Never buy a gaming chair. They are all garbage.

Never buy a gaming chair. They are all garbage.

There was a similar case several years ago. A truck driver was holed up in his truck on waiting out road conditions. It dropped to -14 and falling with no way to keep his cab warm. He decided to book it to somewhere warm and come back in the morning. The trucking company fired him.

Wait, no, hold on, that’s not how stats work.

Yes, all. There should be no place for that kind of inflexibility in a justice system.

Mandatory minimum laws are obscene in all instances.

Not true. Words have historical contexts that shape their connotative meaning. “Cracker” has none of the (frankly despicable) historical context of systemic oppression that slurs like the n-word have. Words like the n-word were used to express white dominance over another race and culture. Words like “cracker” were

In a world with any sense of self-preservation left, this would be a scandal on par with any of the worst things the Presidency has done. On paper, it is. The human and financial cost of this single tremendous fuck up by an admin hellbent on denying the reality of climate change is going to be immense.

Whelp.  No more Kelloggs for me.  I’m glad there are visuals to clearly point out the brands Kelloggs owns to know what to avoid.

I love how enthusiastic, weird and genuine Keanu is. Seems like a fun guy to hangout with and talk engines.

That’s a really poor criterion. If you run a steakhouse and your vegan guest leaves hungry, you haven’t “failed”.

This article links to an Earther article from August discussing this ruling and why it doesn’t mean the Biden administration actively has to offer land for lease. Specifically:

This is one of the dumbest takes I’ve seen in a while.