
Great article, more in depth stuff like this please.

My client is a young man in high school with college aspirations.

I would suggest maybe, just for once, taking a picture of the car with something other than a wide angle lens 1 foot off the ground and 4 feet from the front of the car.

you know, with a 50mm lens from human head height from ~20 feet.

while I am not a fan of the giant pig nostrils, they are dramatically less offensive

For reasons I may never understand, I can read pending replies to other people’s comments but not mine. I know someone responded to my comment that Elon was another Trump by saying something about how both men are from different environments, but I cannot read the whole thing or reply due to this broken comment system.

I’m also curious how the numbers would look if you included first 28 days after account activation, instead of just first 28 days after release. I wasn’t a particularly late adopter of Netflix, but I wasn’t early. When I finally subscribed, I binged the first seasons of Orange is the New Black and House of Cards

I’m fairly sure that people didn’t like Lady D for her plot relevance, or just because she was tall. She had other... “assets” that this character *severely* lacks. To put it in laymen’s terms: “She is cool, but I do NOT want her to sit on me.”

Great. Now I’m going to question every product YouTubers push. Can I really trust SkillShare???

Worst Chris.  Why.

A purity test she built for herself. A purity test she weaponizes against everyone else.

Reporters in the room on Thursday described her colleagues gathering around to comfort her as she wiped tears from her face.

Haiti will forever pay the price for being the first free Black republic in the new world. The Haitian people, in a true, proletariat revolution (not a bourgeois revolution like the U.S), overthrew the forces of one of the most powerful empires of the time. White Western imperialist nations have never forgotten that.

The U.S. didn’t even recognize Haiti as a country until 1862 (i.e. during the midst of the Civil War), almost 60 years after Saint-Domingue was consigned to the ashbin of history. It was absolutely, one million percent rooted in the abject fear Southern slaveholders had of a violent slave uprising. Which, of course

It doesn’t need 60 votes. They could allow a filibuster and then move to a vote once the filibuster ended.

They’re choosing to have tied hands.

Nah, I don’t buy this argument at all.

“WTF??? People would rather just pay “what Ford says the car costs” instead of investing a few hours shopping around/negotiating to save thousands of dollars? Who are these people?”

At least one incident of it was just straight up food poisoning lol

Now playing

Lemme’ say this: Hough’s goofy racism is the least of the problems with The Activist.

Like Returnal, we don’t need manual saves, we need save and quit. Just the ability to stop playing and go to bed, or go make dinner. 

Cool, it’s also a big rich people circle jerk, so ya know