
“Sounding suspicious as hell”, “not trusting banks”, and “raising red flags for random internet commentators” is not, as far as I’m aware, any legal test for the seizure of assets.  


It’s not.

The ten cars that end up in the unwanted-and-unasked for GMG slideshow.

It’s crooked.

“Start slideshow”

I mean Spike’s physically possible, so. I think it’s more about the vibe, honestly - I just can’t see Cho as Spiegel at all. It’s not really about him looking the part or not, I just don’t associate John Cho with the certain swagger Spike possesses - if I had to cast this, I would just go balls to the wall and cast

“Its like a fucking law now or something, they just cant adapt something and leave ALL of it intact, AS IS.”

Just opening something does not invalidate your warranty, the manufacturer has to prove that what you did caused the damage. Its actually illegal (Assuming you are in the US.)

Especially a small ship like that one that’s not generally used for, you know, slavery. The name would make more sense on one of the ships used to gather up Wookiees and other enslaved species. I can see some dull captain christening a big cargo ship with that name, but not the owner of a small interceptor.

Optics aside, “Slave 1" never really worked for me as a name since it just doesn’t sound like a name for a ship in Star Wars or anywhere else.

It’s just a willful misrepresentation of Socialism to imply that it’s mandated poverty for everyone. It’s a VERY FOX NEWS slant. As long as you’re actually contributing according to your income, then guess what? You’re still participating in socialism! Ta daaaaaa.... But firm grasps on issues and calm understanding

Not to mention that he both works out of his home and his family members live with him.

3800 sq ft and 5 bedrooms is a mini-mansion?

Second Life is not a game. It is a multi-user virtual environment. It doesn’t have points or scores; it doesn’t have winners or losers.”

“Oh, it has losers.”

A free-to-play game aimed at children contains shady schemes for tricking kids?!

Is there any independent confirmation of this? I would usually take someone at their word on something like this (because it would be stupid to make it up) but given how her word and actions have been in the past shown to be questionable, such as the fake racism complaints during a stream for attention, I would prefer

The game does have a few stellar, ground-breaking ideas that make it absolutely worth playing it (the work on light and “cutscene” setup is phenomenal), and if you have a high-end gaming PC the experience was fine at launch.

What’s weird is that it seems like this is less and less the case, the improvements are minor

My game was pretty stable apart from crashing hourly on ps4 pro. While the glitches and bugs got all the attention, for me it was that the longer you played the shallower and more lacking the game became. The skeletons of what was planned became too obvious and it just feels so incomplete. Whole segments and