
I thought it was rather incredible it took 20 years to figure this out too. Aggro scumming has been around forever

“Anyone who knows me knows this is not me.” Unfortunately for this guy, people have done the required digging to prove this is the MOST in character thing for him, he is ALWAYS pulling scams. He’s a non-funny version of Eddy from the Ed, Edd, & Eddy cartoon.

Yeah this is all bullshit. There are some pretty deep dives that show he has a history doing this, only this time he got caught.

He’s still a scumbag, and this is nothing more than an attempt to garner favor.

Karl Jobst was one of the guys who got outed in those discord leaks nodding along with his best bud and open white nationalist rwhitegoose, not sure kotaku should be boosting him

So she's stupid?

So a show that highlights a company known for cracking down on unions is made by a company known for...cracking down on unions. Boss.

So her and Krasinki are republicans right? This, all his dumb army propaganda shit and a survivalist wankfest horror series. Maybe a “libertarian” whatever that means.

Isn’t her stance that she’s “vaccine-hesitant” and a low-vaccine family? Essentially just anti-vaxx dogwhistles, the basic equivalent of “just asking questions” while continuing to promote the conspiracy theories.

Really? No mention that she’s using her neuroscience degree to push snake oil caffeine pills to unlock your brain power, or has had a bad history of anti-vaxx sentiments?

I wonder if maybe there was a different draft of the regulations that they’re citing? it really seems odd just how far off the mark this whole thing is.

and how can they keep their guards in-line and prevent revolts?

Just wait till those compound guards realise that they aren’t going to get paid because money isn’t worth anything anymore and they don’t need some skinny nerd weirdo ordering them around. 

They completely did away with the touchscreen for the 2021 model year.

Can we not pretend there's such a thing as "trickle-down social justice" lol? Even if she wins its not going to help small content creators afford to sue DISNEY. 

Yup. And note that Lucy Liu was the one who actually used homophobic language.

Kind of reckless to imply it might have been racist (in the original article).

It was clear, from the quote, that she wasn’t being serious.

So explain the name Hypnospace then? It’s not a commonly used word, it is a creation for a singular game. If this were a reversed situation, Epic would likely send cease and desist notices. Large companies do steal from smaller creations and do so so as to not have to pay them. Look at Disney’s history of theft. That,

I still don’t get why this show is being made on an artistic level. I get why on a money level since it’s one of the most critically acclaimed game series of all time, but holy shit, it’s probably one of the least interesting adaptations ever. Especially since a lot of emotions about these games are tied to the

Stop pushing these wasteful heaps of garbage. 

Stop pushing these wasteful heaps of garbage.