
Well, for starters, I would turn around and find another way. It’s not like you’re just driving along, minding your own business, when a crowd of protesters magically appears out of nowhere and starts pounding on your windows. 

You probably didn't watch the 2nd video, or read the transcript. The guy could have went another way. Bye 🤡

And before someone bitches “well, it’s a road. what are they doing walking there.”. Crosswalk light was on. It’s Times Square. Asswipe ran a red light.

Welcome to America.

cynical? or sick of being nickle and dimed? i think you have the worse take of the two. Every character is going to have a $10 pass. The datamined list was something like 15+ extra characters. Bringing the total for the game and it’s content to $210.

Some of us remember that games weren’t always this way. And I can’t

Fee-to-Pay i believe is how Jim Sterling describes this model. You pay for the game, then pay to get access to items already in the game, then pay to expedite that purposely drip-fed access.

Think of it this way. You’re ALSO paying for all the clipping and graphic glitches that they included in the commercials.

I stayed up two hours past my bedtime soaking in the thrill of a Kennedy defeat last night. I really didn’t think that was going to happen in Massachusetts. But what a great time to be wrong. With that said, Kennedy couldn’t have run a worse or more confusing campaign (“I’m not just a Kennedy!” “Here’s my grandma!”

Companies: “Oh shit, they’re not buying stuff if it doesn’t affect gameplay, let’s have gameplay revolve around microtransactions!”

It’S jUsT cOsMeTiCs’ is such a bullshit handwaving-away excuse. Everyone knows that FOMO plays a huge part in kids’ (and yes, it will be underage people targeted by these ‘micro’ transactions) desire to pony up real dollars for this shit. Add to the fact that the storefront will feature a rotation of cosmetics to

The game is not free-to-play, no. It’s a full,$60 retail release.

So the game is free? Or do I have to pay $60 for the privilege of paying extra money to get the stuff that’s already in the game? 

It is shocking to see an old, white, out of touch, multi-millionaire U.S. politician make a poor decision.

And the caller would still have to be charged in the first place which, you know, -could- already be happening. But isn’t.

I fucking hate that liberals (I’m ultra left anarchist, so just...) make me sound like a dickhead conservative or fascist when I address the problems with their platform. The second “liberal” escapes my mouth as a pejorative, I feel like I’m Rush Limbaugh.

it’s foolish that the Speaker of the House is failing to do something as simple as learning the covid-19 restrictions in the area where she’s traveling she represents.

You mean the war where we imprisoned huge swaths of our own civilians in our own concentration camps and then genocided hundreds of thousands of Japanese people?

That’s not true, the results of us ruining Middle Eastern countries has reduced our freedoms and liberties at home.

Not since WWII has the US military been involved in a direct conflict that made any difference to our personal freedom and liberties at home.

what threats are they detering