
Have not kept with the comics since they started rebooting everything every two minutes. Black panther could be afro-futurism and Doctor Strange has that fantasy/magic angle, but i guess Iron man is a more generic supehero. Which is why it was good he came on first for the MCU.

Isn’t this about Carol Danvers though?

I have a feeling that Ms. Marvel could be Marvel’s first potential bomb. At least with all the other heroes there was some kind of theme of flare to them that would distinguish them from the rest and not make the MCU seem so monotonous. Thor was fantasy, Captain America is political/war thriller Gaurdians of The

The reason this movie is getting made is the same reason trump got elected.

I don’t know about the rest of you guys, But I’m really not a fan of animated series that try to be more adult and action oriented by trying to look as close as possible to Japanese anime. That’s not to say I’m against taking influence from Japanese anime, but I think the best way to introduce action animated series

Well from what I’ve heard asexual doesnt not nessecarily mean not wanting sex but a lack of sexual attraction.

If disversity is about “reflecting the real world” then having two lgbt-lead titles is keeping in check with the actual lgbt population proportions.

Well, there is the possibility that Tim is moving on to finally get The Goon movie made, so there might be the bright side.

I now they don’t want to imitate the rainbow color pallete of the marvel films, but all the footage we’ve seen from these movies is just too damn dark. Most of it seems like it takes place around abandoned warehouses honestly.

It’s too bad it does not mention anything about American wizarding political CORRECTNESS.

Can I ask you a question? Are you Brown?

Always nice to meet another Phelous viewer out here.

It feels like J.K. completely taxed her creativity with the original books and can only function writing more books on hazy memories of what she remembers about the original series.

Marvel formula: Cool action setpieces, some funny moments, popular actor, weak villans. Even if they dont make bad movies, at some point in time it could start to feel a bit shallow.

Honestly, we are at point where so many articles have been written about the sexual violence in Game of Thrones, that you could say the show has almost been beneficial for bringing up these topics for discussion, even if it’s in a very brutal manner.

What is it about this character that everyone goes nuts for? She’s cute, I guess, bit it’s not like she was a shining example of a well written character.

I think we can all agree that Sausage Party was the biggest surprise of the summer, even if not all of us thought it was a masterpiece. It feels more and more that movies that feel like a pleasent surprise are becoming rarer.

I hope they follow through with that promise, because honestly the first Deadpool movie was at heart just another origin story that had a wise-cracking, fourth wall breaking hero at it’s center. I swear he’s only in that deadpool costume for only one third of the movie.


Upon first seeing that title: