
Can’t anyone just focus on making a fun, solitary movie without scheming for sequels that may not even come to fruition? I mean it would sequels to a prequel that’s a spin-off?

Am I the only one who thinks this premise is a bit thin for a trilogy? I mean, does capturing the monsters really need to take up three movies. It even semms like just barley enough to support a single film.

Southern Bastards is a “Countinuing Series”? Don’t make us laugh.

REALLY hoping it at the very least makes it budget back. I don’t want this film’s possible failure to deter the possibility of that Tim Miller Goon movie. In an ironic way it will porbably be one of the few movies I’ll see in theaters this year.

Oh god, the breast fitting spacesuit is SOOOO cheesey. Well at least she’s bisexual!

I dont know about this. Although it’s interesting to have a female transformer as the main character, something about the trailer’s animation and presentation just screams “direct to dvd movie from 2005". It seems a bit dated.

This is senseless male objectifcation! How the hell can they see his ass from that angle.

Please tell me we are not going to get a two-face origin story again.

How much can you really get out of an expanded Ghostbusters universe? The title pretty much sums the whole premise up. It does not matter where or when it takes place or who does the busting, at the end of the day they always have to fight and capture ghosts. The alleged spin off that supposed to be in the future

Is there really anything that can stop whitewashing in Hollywood? You’d think with all the negativity it gets on social media more people would try to change that fact. Hollywood is just such a stupid system, even leaving diversity out of the equation.


I knew quite a few repressed Christain teens in my school how often look at rather smutty pokemon fan art on our school’s computers, so I’m not exactly surprised.

Well it’s not like there’s any risk involved? Are you going to infect our computers with malware if we clicked that? Not sure if this was the right situation for that test.

It’s interesting because I was reading the Brian K. Vaughn and Cliff Chiang comic Paper Girls, which is also a huge throwback to 80's nostalgia. But at the same time it opens with a page with alien letters that translate to NOSTALGIA IS DEATH that makes it seem like the comic is almost going to decounstruct the notion

I guess this joins Superman Returns and Jurrasic World in franchises that ignore all the bad sequels past the first few movies.

It’s from the Walking Dead. I don’t know if this will even be displayed.