Stefan Dumitrache

It is hatred for EA, because it dumbs down alot of games and eventually ruins classic franchises that manages to buy from dead studios. Plus some other shady tactics like ugly DRM practices and such...

No need to download, just "gfet it now" et voila!

Permanent. I got Dead Space for free and still have it. And now it ain't just Battlefield 3, they also give away Plants vs. Zombies GOTY, so it's two games, ot just one. (Read that, Kotaku? It's TWO games, so y u no update the article, eh?)

Can you please tell me the laptop you have? I'm unsure about relying on a mobile Radeon 8750 or GeForce GT 740, each with 2 gb RAM. Both Lenovo, they're in my budget, similar prices, similar builds.

Someone's gonna make a mod to give the baby the cry tool. Deploy cry to summon Mom in an instant. Game over.

Minecraft is more than just placing blocks upon blocks. Each block has it's own set of properties, thus combining them in many ways can get you to many interesting results. Just look at videos on Youtube. Players created graphing calculators. In-game input that displays, on an in-game blocky display, the result and

Personally, I love it when glitches are embraced by developers and then actively incorporated into the game—reminds me of how Street Fighter's combo system started out as a glitch, too.

I paid more attention to Jamiroquai O.o

This comment was not from Reddit. Shame on you, Mike.

I was thinking about the downloadable version. It's a few months worth of data with some providers, i guess.

Those 50 gigs, though, they're just as real as 50 gigs can be.

It's the best way to move on an isometric view. And you don't have to click too much, though it CAN lead to some compulsive behavior. But in Diablo you can click+hold and just drag the pointer in the direction you want to go.

I got them free on GOG. Opened each of them, and that was it. Cumbersome, never again.


I made two maps harder than this mod, wtf?

Seriously, I'm no ocean-goer, but I would buy a lifejacket from them just for the artistry of their idea. I'd probably wear once or twice it when I bath. Then take it off and actually bath.

Steam keeps everything on it's servers for the players that payed, doesn't it? If I pay for a game and the game gets withdrawn from the store, I can still download it, even if it won't be available in the store for new buyers. Right?

It would appear that YOU don't get it, probably because you're shit. This could've been done even faster, with less trouble, if they used noclip. Not much of a difference.

I don't get it why this is praised here. It resorts to cheats and glitches, what's so great about it? The old Quake runs were the real deal because they played fair (rocket/grenade jumping was fair). But this?

Rule 3,14...: If it's on the Internet, there will be Minecraft of it.