Eh, I think we need an emperor, dictator, or my personal favorite, an oligarchy of the elite.
Eh, I think we need an emperor, dictator, or my personal favorite, an oligarchy of the elite.
We need an oligarchy, democracy is bullshit. Common subjects should not have the right to vote, only the best and brightest should choose leaders. The founding fathers understood this, hence only white male property owners could vote, now the process has been bastardized, and the results are as expected.
Seems like instead of a wall, you could just put a well trained marksman (or maybe robot?) every couple of miles with a .338 lapua rifle and that would do the job. Hell, coyotes and other predators would take care of the remains.
Please leave it shut down. Other than the military, the rest of the federal government is more or less unnecessary anyway, and just drives us further into debt.
Everyone says “imperialism” like it is a bad thing now. In my opinion, conquering and subjugating other lands is a good thing. Kill or be killed, I suppose.
If those three were actually allied I think we would win relatively quickly. Who would be the main opposition, China I guess? I figure Russia would more or less equalize them. If we actually fought western Europe I guess it would be bloody, but the U.S. would win the war of attrition.
These are pretty weak war crimes. Get back to me when we are burning prisoners alive, burying them alive, and sticking babies on bayonets. That is how you do war crimes!
Why, they are not our problem at all. If we stay out of middle eastern politics they won’t even have a reason to be pissed off at us.
I think the Navy can contain those nations’ ambitions good enough.
But troops don’t serve until the war is over anyway, they cycle back to the U.S. and out of the military all the time.
It is nothing but a huge waste of money and American lives over a third world, landlocked country, full of people who hate the West anyway.
Just ignore it, that would be fine by me.
Orange Man bad!
I don’t really care about Afghans and Syrians, let them kill each other. Intervening in civil wars never works anyway.
The wall is dumb, but it would make more sense for our military to actually defend our own borders instead of fighting in some shithole countries that have no strategic value.
Let the Muslims kill each other, it is not our problem.
Who cares? If ISIS takes over, so be it.
Fuck the Syrians, they aren’t our problem.
Muh dreads!
If you actually are white, you must really like sucking black cocks?