
Jan saying lying that her ass “didn’t notice that she was Black” is bullshit because she led in her first post with “political correctness.” A white person only references ‘political correctness’ (an already bullshit term—but that’s a rant for another day) when they’re attempting to sugarcoat the white privilege in

“But she’s so mature for her age!” - guys I know who justify dating teenagers.

It’s not just about chosen family, it’s about what family means to Eleven and Kali. Kali is clearly motivated by anger, and she uses other people to satisfy her sense of injustice. But Kali clearly connected with Eleven in a way she didn’t with the rest of her unremarkable gang. She felt a loss motivated by some kind

I could take or leave Kali’s band of misfits, but as a part of El’s personal journey I thought it worked fine.

And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything, unless the room is too bright. A well-lit room? My only weakness.

My preferences are “forced-pregnancy,” “pro-birth,” or “anti-choice.”

They do seem ESPECIALLY against living while black or brown, and/or, you know if you are LGBTQ, a woman, smoke weed, aren’t Christian, or attend tiki-torch-less protests, or are in other countries, aren’t rich, or...

“I will not use the GOP marketing phrase “pro-life.” Who’s not for people living?”

This is a word! Also, those “Crouching Misogynist, Hidden Ted Bundy” ass dudes of the world cannot stand the sight of women choosing the men whom they freely want to be in a relationship with. Seeing two people who genuinely make each other happy without fitting to their warped “m’lady” version of the world triggers

I’ll say it again for those in the back:

My thoughts exactly. Between that and the “rape-rape” comments, she’s not getting a penny from me.

Great article. But I have one point of contention that needs to be addressed and amplified...

The use of “nice guys” as a pejorative has nothing to do with men who are actually nice. It has to do with men who have a great deal of anger toward women because those bitches won’t automatically give them the sex they feel they’re owed as a reward for their “niceness.” Men who treat women halfway decently only

Yep. Lindsay Lohan has made public allegations about being sexually assaulted by Ratner. Of course no one believed her, it’s too easy to dismiss her as a drugged up freak. But then, what could drive a young woman to try to numb herself and erase parts of her own mind? Perhaps being sexually assaulted and then dragged

I’ve had a hard time with Whoopi Goldberg since she came forward as such a staunch defender of Bill Cosby.

Oh but it doesn’t stop there. Everything from the Bible to Farrakahn to the nature of testosterone will be referenced to excuse shmegular ass shitty behavior.


I’m just here to watch this devolve into the chorus of hit dogs hollering... and once this hits my FB timeline (because it will) the ways the “intellectuals” will twist this into being “anti-black” because: male fragility.