
The comic: As a non-white pregnant woman, this is what I experienced.

That’s not what that is, but you wouldn’t know because you didn’t bother reading it. Ah, the catch 22 of being ignorant!

I’m curious if this is security concern? Does installing it give a third party complete access to your email?

This makes me wonder if you can go to another state to claim a multi-state (Powerball, MegaMillions)  lottery ticket? Or does it have to be claimed in the state in which it was bought? Because I’d consider moving to my legal residence to a state with anonymity if you could.

> I hope this guy has a good financial planner he can trust

I’m so tired of Dunning-Kruger chickenhawks. Fuck off with your “it became necessary to destroy the village to save it” bullshit. Crack a history book, FFS.

> a war may SAVE lives

> it is a good example because they tried to cause indiscriminate casualties and could only kill four people.

HAHAHAHAHA You’re so funny! This is hilarious! Hilarious! You really should do stand-up! You and Jeff Foxworthy, the two funniest people on the planet right now!

Are you talking about the bombing of Yeonpyeong? Yeah, four South Koreans died that day and more were injured, so you picked a dumb example to try to make them seem harmless. And that was only a couple hundred artillery shells. Seoul, a city of ten million, is a much bigger & easier target to hit if you’re firing

Trump is an unhinged old man likely suffering from malignant narcissism and the onset of dementia (his father died from Alzheimer’s) who throws tantrums on twitter and has talked in interviews about wanting to use nukes since the 1980s, so, yes, this is exactly how wars start. The same think tanks on K Street that

Nancy? Oh, because you think it’s insulting to call someone a woman’s name. That’s hilarious! You’re so funny!

Oh, I understood perfectly. You’re both morons. Message received.

Is this a fucking game to you? Seoul is within range of North Korea’s conventional artillery, so any conflict, even the so-called “bloody nose” strike the K Street think tanks are pushing, could result in hundreds of thousands of death.

If you’re going to the guy who created Dilbert for foreign policy insight, you’ve pretty much failed at life.

> Time and time again they flaunt and boast their blatant disregard of anything outside of NK. Time to go take his toys away before he gets innocent people hurt.

> If he is that unstable, he needs to be dealt with before he adds more to his nuclear arsenal so that when he does eventually lose it

Scott Adams is the Dunning-Kruger of people. You really shouldn’t listen to him on any topic, unless that topic is how to create an unfunny garbage comic strip. My favorite Scott Adams online moment was when they found out on Metafilter he had created sock puppet accounts to talk up how brilliant Scott Adams is. He’s

This is a very topical joke! Next do your Borat impression!

> Not sure telling people my job has ever elicited this kind of reaction before.