
John Lewis counted on that lack of discipline, and Trump rewarded him with a twitter attack.

No liquor in my house, so that’s not an option. When I get depressed I read Steven Pinker’s Better Angels of Our Nature. I think it’s important to remember that while humanity may never be entirely rid of our baser instincts, we will also never be rid of our desire for justice. There will always be people who have

The raw truth of it is that we all pay for social services— either we pay for it up-front, or we pay for the fallout when people have no alternatives. I would rather fund breakfast programs than prisons.

I think that our first and foremost reason for doing things should be that we care about other people, but it also irks my pragmatic side that Trump (& Republicans in general) see no benefit to themselves in helping other people. If we invest less in Africa, who is going to step in? China.

People keep asking me why these things bother me so much, and why we should keep doing things like send aid or provide healthcare, and it’s seriously like, “I literally cannot explain to you how not to be asshole. Because that’s what this is, your gross inability to care for other people.”

Even if it happened, what do you suggest we do about it that would not further undermine our electoral system and further demolish the citizens’ belief in the democratic process?

Riot away. I much prefer that America has to deal with civil unrest or even civil war, than the rest of the fucking world dealing with a global one.

You have to agree there’s some extra irony in Trump spending the next four years (or less) trying to convince people he’s the legitimate president after he spent nearly eight trying to convince everyone Obama was a Kenyan Muslim sleeper agent.

John Lewis took a horrific beating at Selma, which was immortalized in the picture. I doubt he’s afraid of Trump or any of Trump’s threats. He knows brutality already.

Right. There is no more beating around the bush. The bloom is off the road. The electoral college chose an absolutely despicable human being as president who is probably on the payroll of a foreign country.

“On January 20th, I will not be celebrating or honoring an incoming president who rode racism, sexism, xenophobia and bigotry to the White House,” Rep. Lee said in a statement on Thursday. “The American people will never forget that when a foreign government violated our democracy, Donald Trump chose the

So, uh, was he in that meeting earlier today?

hero, straight up...f’en hero.

Good Trouble

it’s astonishing. they literally hate the conjured up idea of liberals and democrats. all the info they get regarding the left comes from distortion machines (aka: right wing safe spaces) like AM radio, FOX news, and right wing sites. i’d be willing to bet that most GOP voters don’t even know a living, breathing

I’m starting to become more and more convinced that there was more direct hacking/tampering with the actual election results than was first admitted. There is definitely something going on. It seems the Republicans are trying to hide it (for obvious reasons) and Democrats and other government officials don’t know what

I don’t think it should. I’m just pointing out the flaws in my own behaviour with family and friends which perpetuate the problem.

LOL I don’t care if you call me white boy. That’s not the way to insult a white person.

please dont have posted that.

And then you have me, the white boy- an even further step of cluelessness.