
If this ends with someone telling Comey that he had been ‘extremely careless’ about releasing that October letter, I would enjoy that. It wouldn’t help anything, but I would enjoy it.

And after he doesn’t respond to her anti-gay nonsense she hits him with not responding to me you must hate white girls. He engages her and brings up later that he is fat to throw her off the scent and she still does not get it.

“Do I understand what anybody in their right mind could have seen in Trump? But maybe that’s why we lost.”

I think they missed an opportunity with Diane, who is a character modeled off of little girls who have a lot in common with Hillary Clinton. Watching empowered, brilliant, bossy, serious little girls realize that maybe no one will take her seriously when she grows up has been one of the more heartbreaking aspects of

Ben Carson is a yawn made sentient.

Agreed completely. Either she’s homophobic or she says stuff to get a reaction out of people—- and it was awfully nice of him to take the more charitable explanation when she pressed him about it.

Exactly. I wouldn’t have realized that was the start either, except the screen shots weren’t loading here at first, so I clicked through to the actual Page Six link. That first screenshot is pretty much all the context anybody needs here to say he was super justified.

This is super-important and I’m surprised it’s not in the article.

Agreed. And let’s be real: his radar was right. . . she ended up being psycho.

Let’s recap, shall we?

Yeah, the brother wasn’t picking up what she was laying down, but he was pretty mature and polite about it.

I have some friends similar to you who don’t take that help for granted. I also know many people (my soon-to-be ex-husband included) who say that having their parents pay for things isn’t privilege, it’s just “normal” and what parents are supposed to do. My ex in particular liked to point out that, because I didn’t

Any stories that Jezebel publishes about money and poverty as it relates to all kinds of women are stories I want to read. There’s so much shame and secrecy about finances in our culture, and stories like this have a way of lancing those boils and making everything clearer and easier for everybody.

Oh my god YES. I hear people talking about how their parents are giving them $20K for a wedding, or $30K for a down payment on a home, or paying for their college tuition entirely. Must be really fucking nice.

This is relatable to someone like me who has significant (in my less positive moments I use the term “crushing”) student loan debt because I too didn’t have financial help starting out. It also gives me hope that I won’t always be struggling. I wish more people who received that down payment from their parents etc.

Not taking food stamps because of some delineation of whats poor or not is some kind of personal thing but this:

If anything, the Boyden debate is a reminder of how quickly questions, particularly when posed by marginalized groups, can be perceived by the powerful as persecution.

There are many reasons to not present much of the evidence. Much of it can be surmised by what level of confidence each agency gave it. NSA can only give moderate confidence because of the way NSA gathers its evidence. The FBI and CIA almost certainly have human assets at high reaches of the government and their lives

That is such a goddamn accurate summary of California politics.