
Assuming this is a simulation, we might also assume that the simulation doesn’t have a benevolent controlling presence.

IMHO Ring of Fire was great at the start. I rapidly lost interest back in 1634 or so.

Needs more Finnish-accented commentary.

I don’t see the problem with guesses like “unicorn testicle”... ;)

I’ve hand flown a Cessna 172 for 10 hours in one day (three legs). That was tedious but perfectly doable. In a big jet at altitude the handling is a whole other kettle of fish. So finicky!

Handflying at cruise altitude? Ouch. I’ve done in the sim a few times but that was only for a few minutes. Hours on end seems like torture.

Now that pilots are flying much longer stints, it’s used more often as a relief mechanism to sit back from the controls during long stretches at cruising altitude.

Ok old thread but anyway.

The only prequel era ship on our list, Count Dooku’s luxurious barge is actually probably the only ship on here that’s the most rooted in real world science—solar sails are an actual method of spaceship propulsion in use.

I find the fact that the MCU actually happened astounding. It was a huge investment over years and years, requiring a team to carefully guide it. In short-term Hollywood, and in a wider sense short-term corporate America, the odds were definitely not in its favour.

I’m with you on this one. Mushroom clouds form due to explosions and heat. They don’t need to be caused by a nuke. In fact mushroom clouds predate nukes by centuries.

Word. The issue is getting everyone to that level.

He gets caught up in a kind of Spanish Inquisition sketch about how seeing a beautiful woman naked for the first time is the greatest thing in life—well, one of the four or five greatest things, anyway.

Being a bit thick may very well be one of her strengths, and a defense against being sucked into politics and second-guessing. Brienne’s world is black and white; good vs evil; honor vs dishonor; defending the weak and striking at those oppressing them.

Came for this. Was not disappointed.

These guys know what they’re doing. When I try asymmetric vehicles in KSP I usually end up flying backwards.