
"Borderline with My Atoms" - Hiatus Kaiyote
"Woodcat" - Tunng
"Remembering the Future" - The Soft Moon
"Everlasting Arm" - Mercury Rev
"Happy Death Man" - Echo & The Bunnymen
"Into the Meadow" - The Asteroid #4
"Viholliseni Maalla" - The Brian Jonestown Massacre
"The First Taste" - Fiona Apple
"Everything's Fine" - Minks

So what if I'm excessively needy? At least I didn't have sex six times in the last week. And didn't you mention before you had some form of STD? Talk about risky behavior. I'm not judging you at all, but if wish to cast the first stone be prepared for an even bigger stone to be cast back.

Off topic: God, I hope TI is happening tomorrow. I desperately need my TI. I need my fuck this shit, my shuffle, and my booze threads. God help me.

"I hassled the hoff six times last week, while Heidi Klum watched and I drank semen from an oversized stein. Das cock! Sieg cock!"

But enough about George W. Bush!

"In fact, I'm starting to feel like sex is boring and a waste of time. I mean, except for when I am horny, in which instances it seems like sex is the most valuable possible use of my time."
The dichotomy of this statement is astounding.
My sorta best advice is to take a sexless vacation, perhaps find a Buddhist


And here I thought the load times on the original PSX were ridiculous..

It's Necrotising Big Lips McHuge meets Former Disgruntled Member of the Backstreet Boys.

While simultaneously undertaking the Kylie Jenner Challenge?

Yes, but those games you described are exceptions not the rule. Yes it is heartening to see developers indie or otherwise under the Xbox and Playstation banner making colorful, lighthearted games but I'm not holding my breath that this will become the modus operandi of these systems. These particular systems will

What I love about this particular game is the unbridled explosion of color. A glittering cornucopia of bright colors. An orgasmic array of bright neon colors splattered about a canvas of child-like whimsy and that 'ol Nintendo magic. Far too often, the video games of today (I'm looking at you Xbox and Playstation) are

see also: O'Neal'd, Scotch'd, Dowd'd, That Sweet Sweet Laurel Canyon Sound'd,


FUCK IT. If they are not going to post TI this week, I might as well post my own shuffle mix and then preemptively delete it once the real TI article hopefully appears.
So without further ado..
"Foxglove" - Young Magic
"Sweet Slow Baby" - The Field
"Antillas" - El Guincho
"Waiting for the Fall" -The KVB
"Frozen Warnings" -

*bursts into thread* *sweat dripping on face* *ragged breathing* *crazed mannerisms*

Alright, here's something totally random, but regardless I shall endeavor to ask my fellow Savage Lovers the following querry..

Having sex while tripping out on acid just sounds like a scary experience to me. I hear the orgasms are amazing, but damn your good trip can become a bad trip so quickly that pretty soon you'll realize your penis that's doing the boning is now a cobra and has infiltrated a mongoose burrow.

No but by you bragging about your own penis, they took umbrage to the possibility that their own wangs are inferior to yours. Which is positively insane mind you, but it wouldn't surprise me. Call it.. throwing shade by reverse osmosis, I suppose.