
When you go Rwanda Congo
Take me on a cultural appropriation tour
Take me on a truck to Darfur
Take me where you would go

When you go Rwanda Congo
Take me on a cultural appropriation tour
Take me on a truck to Darfur
Take me where you would go

When you go Rwanda Congo
Take me on a cultural appropriation tour
Take me on a truck to Darfur
Take me where you would go

When you go Rwanda Congo
Take me on a cultural appropriation tour
Take me on a truck to Darfur
Take me where you would go

When you go Rwanda Congo
Take me on a cultural appropriation tour
Take me on a truck to Darfur
Take me where you would go

My sources tell me that she's currently in Tijuana, getting a botched rhinoplasty.

Record label executive also wears diamonds on the soles of her shoes. Carmen Sandiego.

Jenseits von Gut und Böse: Vorspiel einer Herzinfarkt

We're usually hiding in the corner of the room like coked-out e-ninja, intent on discerning whether the user in the other corner of the room is a gimmick account a Simpsons quote automaton or Dan Savage in disguise, while we fap rather violently in an attempt to compensate for our inadequacies.

In a West End town, a dead end world.
Cosby spiked his pudding pop for the West End girls.

I got a The Merchant of Venice notification for this?

I don't know why they call it Sioux City sarsaparilla. It's not even made in Sioux City, Iowa! It's made in New York state!

The internet prefers its successful great jobs! with fava beans and a big Amarone.

CSI: Love Boat

Gollum Glared.
Smeagol Dared.
Those filthy hobbitses ensnared my precious!

He lives in Wisconsin.

math meth

E= MC Orgasm

You're like a modern day Hunter S. Thompson. All the excess, with an equally florid flair for vulgarity.