
She dumps like a truck, truck.

This pun thread is mad Grimes-y.

Black Mirror: Where's The Beef?

I'm just hoping that various cast members end up breaking some literal legs during the high wire stunts.

Yeah, that was definitely my weakest effort.

Lets. Get. Dangerous.

Duck Dynasty: Turn Off The Drake

How To Succeed In Making Trashy Reality TV Shows Without Really Trying

The Best Little Whorehouse in Swampland

There is truly nothing that says I made awesome music in the 70's quite like using a Vocoder interspersed with sassy backup singers and funky brass.

A C+ rating is the musical equivalent of that sweet, sweet Laurel Canyon sound.

I knew I shouldn't have taken that left turn at Albuquerque.

Honestly, you don't NEED weed to listen to the Olivia Tremor Control.

I may also recommend the combination of scotch and Benedictine (over rocks if you please), especially for those who find orange/lemon juice a bit off-putting in their scotch cocktail.

Last Friday, I was experimenting with scotch in cocktails. I've had the Blood and Sand cocktail numerous times before, which is basically scotch, Cherry Heering liqueur, sweet vermouth, and fresh orange juice. Which sounds like a godawful mix, but surprisingly Cherry liqueur and scotch go very well together. I had a

Thank you, sir.

"California Demise Pt. 3" - The Olivia Tremor Control
"The Spiderbite Song" - The Flaming Lips
"Neat Little Domestic Life" - of Montreal
"O.N.E." - Yeasayer
"Such Great Heights" - Iron & Wine
"Cast Off Crown" - Deerhoof
"He Was A Friend Of Mine" - The Byrds
"Girl from the Play" - The Bony King of Nowhere
"Show The World" -

On Monday night, it had snowed a couple of inches here. Tuesday morning, I unceremoniously had the task of shoveling the driveway and the sidewalks. I did not realize at the time there was also a thick layer of ice hidden beneath the powdery deluge. Subsequently, I slipped and landed on my back, hurting it in the

"Horizontal Refreshments!"

My fair Nudeador, you've returned!