The Bourne Valedictorian

It’s good that someone is considering the effect of cross-dimensional accidents on our table games though.  I mean, if the idea of losing foosball doesn’t make those scientists reconsider these terrible experiments then likely will.

lol don’t feel stupid—C+ is probably a fair score, but there’s nothing wrong with liking C+ movies. It’s no Oscar contender, but to be a surprise addition to a service I already pay for (and will be paying slightly more for shortly) I was delighted by the whole thing. I loved the way they rolled it out (it was just

While I largely agree, I did like it—probably just remnants from that awesome Superbowl, but also a bit from the ballsy marketing that was basically FUCK YOU MOTHERFUCKERS—CLOVERFIELD! BOOM!

Yeah that makes sense--the new Star Trek is a lot of things, but ugly aint one of ‘em.

Looked terrible?   I watched it in 4k and I thought it looked pretty great? You mean just the aesthetics or what?

Aw I liked it—though granted a lot of that was probably still the high from watching that incredible Superbowl, followed by the HEY FUCK YOU HERE’S CLOVERFIELD BITCHES marketing by Abrams and Netflix.

If this is the only angle he was filming from what in the hell did he need her driving for?  You can only see the back of her head...

Haven’t watched this yet but just popped in to say HOLY SHIT I’M WATCHING THE NEW CLOVERFIELD MOVIE RIGHT NOW!!!!  NICE MOVE NETFLIX!

What does Rex Ryan have to do with this?

Curious--when you put it that way are you referring to it as one, long single film?  I’ve always regarded it as two films, and I LOVE part II but didn’t care for part I nearly as much.

I loved it myself, but I certainly understand why anyone wouldn’t like Tarantino’s work. I mean, I loved Hateful Eight, but if there was ever a film (and, frankly, a body of work) I’d refer to as “smug” it would be that movie, as well as most of his later work.

Even if you were right (which you are not in any way, shape or form) that still doesn’t explain this woman’s actions.  If she thought they were there acting suspicious just call the cops and let them handle it.  Why (allegedly, of course) yell any of that stuff or vandalize their car?

I was watching hockey so I guess I don’t have any room to say bad things about them...

And when they got together, it was....well, manslaughter most likely in this case.  I mean, murder seems a little harsh, right?

Did a time traveler finally arrive with new information?  

It was really nice of you to respond to everyone in this thread that answered you :) I bet you’re glad this show wasn’t a little more popular here haha.

This is the song that Christmas in Hollis lifts the hook from (which is the only reason I knew about it before this show)--it’s definitely a great song.

Yeah Mr Smith knows what’s up.  Also comic spoilers: this series was far, far better than the comics, and I’m a fan of Morrison’s work normally.

The homage to Reservoir Dogs was so fucking hilarious and completely out of left field.  This show delivered for sure, and this episode in particular was pretty tight.  “Hocus Pocus Motherfucker” may be my favorite line from the entire show.

Season 1 will finish the graphic novel (unless something truly bizarre happens in this final episode)---it was only 4 issues so they’ve expanded it pretty well already.