The Bourne Valedictorian

Yeah there’s been like, 10 of us on the show page talking about the episodes haha.  I’ve seen a lot of mentions on twitter but I was a little worried not enough people were watching that they might not play out the season.  I guess telling everyone I knew about it helped a little haha...

Honestly comics are actually WORSE than Hollywood as far as unrealistic body types go. Which, sure, it’s fine as fantasy and what-not (and not all comics, of course, but the vast majority), but then you also end up with “boob-window” costumes that make no real, practical sense.

Looks like we’re finally there!  Thanks for breaking it out, and yeah that is exactly what it looks like.  The impression I have from these pictures and the little info I’ve heard is they’re going pretty deep into the Mar-Vell origins AND bringing in Skrulls.  Which makes me a little giddy.

He probably demanded it after he got so ripped.  Why go to all that trouble if no one is going to see it?

Eh, when he’s into something he’s INTO something.  He’s typically not rude or mean to anyone though, so ::shrug:: guess he’s got some time on his hands and opinions he needs to get out.

I would have loved to see “The Big Sick” get more love than it did.  It really was one of the best movies of the year.  Sure the story was simple and fairly...mainstream I suppose?  But it was also true, and Romano and Hunter both gave just fantastic performances.

I think Franco’s personality is pretty much “stoned and disinterested.”  They had to have known that going in...

How Chastain wasn’t nominated is beyond me.  She was just fantastic in what is, admittedly, a perfect role for her.

I like the comment, avatar synergy here.

Yeah I’m with you.  I LOVE movies and always have, but I’ve never been a big believer on holding actors on a pedestal for anything other than acting.  Sure I like it when a famous person agrees with my opinion, but really who gives a shit?  It’s not like that Oscar makes them understand politics better than my next

It’s such an....odd movie to me. It’s like it wants to say something, but can’t figure out how to say it. Ideas are touched upon but never really explored. Some things are so far-fetched I had a difficult time with them--I mean, come on, sure he’s a small-town cop, but throwing a guy out a window during broad daylight

I would argue that Blade Runner in it’s original form should NOT have won best picture at all.  I liked it, but the director’s cut is leaps and bounds better--so much so it’s damn near an entirely different movie.  THAT movie perhaps should have won, but BR as it was originally released was a mess.  A beautiful mess,

Isn’t this the likely reason Franco’s name isn’t on any of these lists (particularly considering he was on them all before his outing)? I mean, apparently Oldman gets a pass because he was smart enough to beat his wife before anyone cared, but still it seems they should at least be consistent in doling out

Oh yeah, the guy they all called “the deflator” because he lost so much weight?  That moment was EASILY the best part to come out of this story.  

I think that’s what happens when you get caught cheating so often, though.

I knew I KNEW that voice!  Thanks for bringing this up as I totally forgot to look back and find out who it was.  What a fun cameo.

That purple blood gushing everywhere was just a fantastic visual.

That is the biggest issue I have with this story--her actions simply don’t match her description of the event.  You don’t hang out naked with someone and engage in consensual sex acts if you’re uncomfortable or afraid.  Particularly since she never indicates she felt fear at any point, or he was trying to stop her

While I don’t disagree with you at all, and totally agree his actions were aggressive, the issue I have is that—according to her story—she hung out naked with him for a couple of hours. Maybe there wasn’t “enthusiastic consent,” but there was consent, yes? At no point does she say she’s scared, afraid he’s going to

Trump is 6'3"???? I never knew this, and it never once occurred to me he was tall. He doesn’t seem tall. Like, not the least little bit tall. How the fuck are his hands so tiny? I mean, they’re creepy tiny if he’s that tall. My mind is blown by this.