The Bourne Valedictorian

So she’d given you a cue that she didn’t want that, but you attempted it again later to see how it would go? That sounds familiar.

I’m not sure pointing at his dick and her going down on him right after is the same as “pressing for a blowjob.” Also, the whole moving around thing is suspect, considering they were both naked and had been consensually fooling around for some time at this point. At no point does she indicate she was not free to

...and he did? I don’t think anyone’s misreading it. “Slow down” does not mean “no” or “stop”

I had to turn it off on every HD TV I’ve owned that had it.  It’s so damn distracting.  I was really confused the first time I turned on my first HD TV, and a little disappointed.  Once I fixed that setting my picture looks great.

I saw at least one of the Hobbit movies at 48 fps and, once I made a mental adjustment, quite enjoyed it, though you’re right about the CGI--I think it had a  much more noticeable “cartoony” appearance than it likely did at 24 fps.

I’m sorry but so much of this particular story just reeks of bullshit. I’m as anti-red-pill as they come, and I truly believe women should be heard, but at some point we have to scrutinize the story being told, don’t we?

Voyager gets better the last couple of seasons if I recall correctly.

I could certainly see how a being programmed not to react with emotions would fit into such a terrible system.  Hell, it’s a bigger question to me why the other Vulcans weren’t invited to be in the group?  I mean, racism, fine, but when the only discernable difference is pointy ears that’s some extreme racism...

I’m pretty convinced the record-keeping in the Star Trek universe is terrible.  There seem to be all sorts of “clandestine” missions and discussions that you would think were being recorded.  No one works in sick bay or the brig, it seems.  This is just a shoddy organization from top-to-bottom frankly.

I was under the impression that Discovery was nearby the whole time?  I’m not sure they would question it if it was, but maybe I’m wrong.

That’s pretty fair. I’ve always liked Star Trek but have never been a Trekkie.  I’m one of those that saw every movie, but only sporadically watched any of the series.  I didn’t mind at all that this doesn’t ‘fit’ the rest of the Star Trek universe, although I am hoping they can come up with a cool explanation as to

Strong audience overseas--where it’s on Netflix (right?  one of the streaming services, anyway).  CBS “All Access” is a joke from most of the reviews I’ve read, since they don’t actually have access or rights to a lot of their shows.  I personally hate it, but the Big Bang Theory is maybe their most popular show and

Well I’ve been making Scotch Pancakes all wrong....or right, depending on how much of an alcoholic you are I suppose.

I’m hot and cold on him, to the point where I get annoyed when I see he’s going to be on something. Sometimes his bit works, sometimes it doesn’t—but it’s worked for me on this show. His delivery of the one line has just been great so far.

Was tonight’s the first episode that we saw an overhead layout? That was my first thought when I saw it, but the comparison had never occurred to me before.

Oh yeah, just like the ol’ “Bangers and mash” thing from Arrested Development--I mean, NO WAY does someone have a stupid name like that for food!

And thus the existential questions I’ve always had about heaven are re-awakened. My entire life I’ve always thought the entire idea of it seemed really boring...and it’s pretty likely none of my friends will be there anyway.

We got drunk Janet, Bad Janet (who is, of course, the DJ with a labeled laptop) and competent Janet was just amazing.  

The fact that those nerds that run the bad place would have no idea is funny in itself.  For being demons they seem to be surprisingly out of touch with what’s cool.

Having Bortles as a guest at some point this season would be such a coup.