The Bourne Valedictorian

That final song of “She Hates Me” and “Grandma Got Run Over” just slayed me.  So damn funny.

The steam iron thing was a direct homage to the old “hardware wars” short--I think it’s on youtube, but it became one of the more well-known spoofs back in the day.  I thought it was hilarious back then, but it hasn’t aged too well...

Eh, you’re probably right. Honestly I haven’t watched any of those again since I first saw them...and V was the farthest away. I just remember thinking “wtf was that?” when it was over. Especially after following the three good Star Trek films. At least they followed it up with VI, which may be my favorite of them

Eh, matter of taste I suppose, but to me it’s the worst by a mile (I’d wager it’s the worst reviewed of the bunch as well, but I’m not going to check until later when I remember, you know, maybe never). It might have made for a decent hour of TV as you say, but couple in with your criticisms that it was easily

Yoda said she had everything she needed (because she had the books). Besides, what did Luke have—six weeks of training or so? Maybe a year after Empire? Yoda said in Empire he was too old. Were you pissed then that they were “retconning” the way the Jedi had always done things? Yoda’s said a lot of shit over the

It amazes me the regard that people have for ROTJ.  The Empire was defeated by teddy bears with rocks.  If this movie had tried to pull some shit like that the country would be on fire right now.

Boy oh boy, do you wannabejournalist internet bloggers ever shut up? Can’t you just let a movie play without running to your computer and keystroking your pointless ego driven point of view...? I can’t seem to look forward to anything anymore these days without someone just like you pooping out some bullshit. So many

I think everyone was so off put by that fucking Frozen thing that it doesn’t immediately occur.  I agree, and I just loved it.  So creative and touching and amazing to look at.

I agree with everything you said--my biggest issue wasn’t so much that she could do it, it’s that they never established anything like that in either this or TFA.  Just a throwaway of her force-pulling something to herself or anything indicating she could do something would have helped.  All we ever saw was her

You know, I was impressed with it except for one aspect: I couldn’t understand a freakin’ word anyone was saying! I felt like I missed a lot of dialogue and was very frustrated with it by the end. The visuals and story-telling were incredible, but I found myself wishing it had subtitles. I think it was genuinely an

Clearly it was a dire warning about the Ottoman Empire’s rise to power.  Will we ever learn???

That amazing overhead shot at the end on the beach in the dark with only the ship lights was one of my favorite scenes in a movie that had many.  It was so visually stunning that I both can’t wait to see it again, while I know I’ll be disappointed somewhat on my TV rather than an IMAX.

I can’t believe The Big Sick was left off of both these lists.  It was genuinely one of my favorite movies this year.  I know it wasn’t a huge message film or event film, but it was one of the most engaging and genuine (and funny) ‘rom-coms’ I’ve ever seen.  And it’s true, which is kind of incredible.

There are a couple of obvious ones in this thread, but you can’t really argue with anyone whose biggest complaint is “stop forcing diversity on me!”  I don’t even know where to start with that.  There are real, valid problems with this movie, but when a person goes into it hating the world like that I don’t even know

Yeah--they really overdid that.  I got the point that maybe he’s not such a great hero, but they really didn’t need to go full “bumbling” with him either...

Talk about someone that hated Star Wars--Guinness despised these movies.

That interview doesn’t fit their narrative.

I don’t remember anyone discussing ANY of the Star Wars films this passionately before this movie.  Hell, I was blown away by it the first time I saw it because it did so many unexpected things.  They didn’t all work (and holy shit I don’t think it matters how many times I see it I will never, ever understand why

Better enjoy that while it lasts.  

Completely agree—THIS Luke was so much more interesting than the Luke of Jedi (and, while depressed, was way less whiny than the Luke of the first two).  Giving him his own redemption arc was amazing, and the double-sunset that mirrored the very first time we ever saw him was glorious.