The Bourne Valedictorian

See this--this is fair.  It’s not as good as The Dark Knight.  It’s still pretty decent though.  Certainly towards the top of the list in movies that have Batman in them, and that’s a pretty long list at this point.

His entry into the Star Trek movies was FAR AND AWAY the worst of all the movies.  I mean, so laughably bad, and the scenes of Kirk, knowing that he directed them, are even worse.

Both movies go to lengths to show that Rey already knows how to fight, and is also a pilot. She had a leg up in Luke in the fighting department. In TFA she convinces a guard to let her go after three tries. The only other thing (IIRC) is she pulls the lightsaber to her, and that’s only because Kylo has his back to her

Hey, you’d be pissed too if you didn’t get to go to Toshi Station with your friends to get those power converters. I mean, DID HE EVER GET THEM???

My theater suddenly got very dusty when the second sun appeared.

I think Rey’s advantage (and I can’t believe how often this gets overlooked even though both films make it blatant) is that she knew how to fight with a weapon very much like a lightsaber already. She beat up a few people with it and had obviously been using it to protect herself her entire life. They never really

I don’t think he was convinced any of it was worth saving until after talking to Yoda.  And, while I liked seeing the X-wing wrecked, that would have been too much to have him pull the same trick (or expect it to work after being submerged for who knows how long).

One of the best things about the new movie is how he tears that image of himself down to Rey.  

Return of the Jedi Luke was boring as fuck.  Also, what the hell kind of promotion system were the rebels employing anyway?  I remember as a kid I thought it was really cool that they made Solo a general.  As someone that’s been in the military all I can think now is “what the fuck?  They enlisted him and put him in

That would be pretty awkward...of course when that happened to Tony Stark he turned into Iron Man, so possible upside?

Good lord calm down. Nobody is mad at you or anyone else. This article is attacking no one. Maybe read it again, slowly. If that’s still your takeaway from these articles then you have a whole different set of issues.

Plus, there were a shit-ton of Jedi in the prequels...surely they weren’t all related to Skywalkers?

I’d have been much more interested if they’d just led with “man posts petition in drug fueled frenzy!”....though admittedly that reads more like an Onion headline.


It’s like those scenes in court room dramas where everyone hears something very important but then the jury is told they’re supposed to disregard what they just heard...

Ah--haven’t seen it but my wife enjoyed that one.

It’s also why I’m happy they didn’t try to explain more about Snoke--holy shit people we’ve been down the “villain backstory” road before--it doesn’t end well!

Watching Force Awakens again after The Last Jedi I was surprised at how much subtext I put into those scenes that isn’t really there. I think you’re right in that the saber simply reacts to someone who is force sensitive, likely because it was used for so long by Luke. Even scenes like Han looking at her “oddly” when

I have three, but I’m incredibly lucky that I have a wife that doesn’t care much about movies one way or another, and doesn’t mind if I go to them alone after the kids are in bed.  I get to see most big releases the Thursday they come out.  And of course I get to see most kid’s releases the Saturday they come out...

Well I think John Wick 3: Getting Wicky With It is supposed to clear up all those unanswered questions from the first two.  You know, important questions like “is anyone still alive?”