The Bourne Valedictorian

At least try to find a 4g download to truly enjoy the visuals.  At least the ones that aren’t all mucked up by the korean subtitles...

Agreed—so much fun, so much heart, and a pretty tight story to boot (not sure of the plausibility, but meh, when is that really important?).  Also some of the performances were just fantastic.  I don’t think I’ll ever hear Country Roads the same way again...

I have a good friend that doesn’t like super-hero movies tell me he thought Logan was one of the best movies he’d seen in a long time.

I certainly would have had Atomic Blonde before John Wick 2.  I haven’t seen them all, but that one seems to be the most out of place to me.


I really loved TLJ and I agree with this sentiment.  Blade Runner was one of my favorite movies of the year, and I’m genuinely sad I haven’t gotten the opportunity to see it in IMAX again.

John Wick 2 is the biggest surprise of this list to me.  I mean, it was good, but was still kind of riding the coat-tails of the “wow this is actually a good movie!” surprise of the first one.  I enjoyed it, but didn’t think it was much better (or worse) than the first one.  I’d certainly have put Blade Runner 2049

Honestly I think we’re not too far removed from a simultaneous release system for “arthouse” films (hell, with how great some of the Amazon and Netflix offerings have been recently we’re practically in a system like that already). It seems only the really major metropolitan areas get some of these movies, and I’d very

Nice try, Best Buy.  Nice try.

Totally agree--I enjoyed it, but really it’s the most “Marvel” of the DC movies.  Good for them for figuring out the formula works, but it was still pretty much a by the book superhero movie.  Albeit one with some really great performances.

I expect The Last Jedi has appeared on a few people’s “worst of” list as well...

I very much enjoyed reading that exchange.  Thanks to both of you!

I thought he was extremely bland as well, though I do think a lot of that was the director’s choice in this movie (not sure I’ve seen him in anything else).  Speaking through his driving and music, as it were.

Boss Baby Driver is a crossover movie I’d watch.

Very, very punchable?  Teller seems like a good actor but man oh man there’s just something about that face that makes me want to be violent.

In an attempt to avoid spoilers **but still be warned this might give away something important** I think WHERE she’s waiting for him speaks directly to your issue with the movie.

I remember those!!!  Such fun toys.  We definitely kept score, and the way we kept going back to see it was getting our parents to drop us off to see whatever Disney thing had just come out, and then we’d go to Star Wars again instead.  I’ve tried to explain to my young employees that movies like that were in theaters

Totally fair, but I think this article is trying to speak more to the people who suddenly have made it their life mission to harass anyone involved with this film in any way.


I sort of get what you’re saying, but why would you start with 6? It seems to me (and of course YMMV) that these are all designed and were planned to be watched in separate thirds. But yes, I totally agree that it was cynical (shining a light on the flaws of the old ways was pretty much the major theme of the