
I just thought Sansa was going:"Oh shit. That stuff about her list is REAL."


The question: can you pull the face off a wight?


I actually wanted to see Jamie get burned to ash at the end. It seemed like the right thing…maybe have Drogon scatter his remains with his tail as a comment on the temporary nature of stuff and things.

Wait. Are you saying local pizza joints can't be institutions?

Yes, but these were NEW.

WiRaven or BluRaven?

Ya figure they might even have a contingency plan for some sort of dragon problem…like, telling the Dothraki: if you see a dragon going down, form a circle around it…those things are worth more than any other combatant.

1) Pretty well cooked!

Wait. Is that a Van Halen logo?

THE AV CLUB: middle-aged men who are past their prime and reflecting on their former greatness.

I DJ under the name:"Big D", so you can call me that if you want.

Okay. Say 10,000 people saw that. What were they going to do, send a text?

I thought they did a great job of showing the stomach-turning carnage even against the army you were supposed to hate.

Dickhead Tarley.

At least it used to seem earned. New Yorkers now? Meh.

I was last there 40 years ago. I think it's a sound question. There were still Oldsmobiles on the street then.

Sure, sure. There are no variations. We get it. Noo Yawk is the coolest 4eva and nobody anywhere makes fun of them for that attitude.

Ooooh. I didn't know that was still open. I grew up in Michigan, we used to do class trips to Chicago and go there. It really was a unique experience. They still got that mine shaft ride/thing?