
What Noo Yawkers call pizza the rest of the world calls:"Shit, isn't there anything left actually worth eating? I mean, crackers and ketchup packets???"

1. The Art institute.
2. The Field Museum of Natural History.
3. The Shedd Aquarium.
4. Architecture as good as Noo Yawk, but not covered in shit.
5. A much better pizza concept than Noo Yawk has.

Yeah, whatever. I went out with a girl who eventually had James Brown's baby.

Dude, I'm sorry to be the one to tell you, but you don't have the range.

I lean more towards trip hop and electronica for doing the dirty, dirty deed.

THE AV CLUB: arguably the greatest rapper alive in 1985.

Because of all of the cocaine and hot eastern-European women who, though hired to be at the party are really, really not prostitutes of any sort and should definitely not be married?

That Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf is right where I always see her. Consider your sister corroborated.


…if you're scoring at home, then why are you on the internet?

What people?

…and by extension, Major League Baseball.

Robbing? The trick is just leave a couple bucks laying around under stuff in your apartment. It won't really hurt you, but they'll grab it and think they got away with something, the little darlings. ~WISDOM~

Same here. I think it's Liam Gallagher right now.

When I think of all the girls I knew who worked their way through college by stripping having that opportunity taken away from them, well, it makes me very sad.


I was looking at these 1980's auto show programs the other day, where every page was just a big picture of a scantily clad woman next to a custom car of some sort, and it felt legitimately kind of dirty because of how old-school slutty the women were…giant hair, swimsuit + pumps and a "Fuck me! Fuck my titties! Yay!"

I see her almost every weekend by Sunset and Vine…don't know what she does over there, but my favorite lunch places and my Trader Joes are over there!

I read it then felt bad afterwards for invading her privacy.

I thought the rule was just:"don't get Zack Snyder"?