
Oh yah. They'd have to make CGI models for all of those. Could cost thousands.

Well, you figure Walking Dead would help, too…since it was a comic and naow makes AMC ALL THE MONEY.

I, for one welcome our new dark oeohrtljhotmj[0wr6 tmh iowkm56'kj d fjh zbcm ghnkhk 87468 46846848486464684864684648

"Creeping Death" was about his cat, Mr. Whiskers…quite a mouser, that one!

Well, don't be too quick to discount the never-ending steam of top-flight poontang.

Has anybody done this same analysis with porn?

Well I hope gramma is ready for him then.

They just went through the normal channels to get accredited with the secret service, and they were granted an audience on the White House grounds.

"Beer contact theory".

“It’s crazy to think that 50 years later I am looking back on this project with such fondness and a little bit of amazement that one guy could make such a lasting piece of art.”

Point: I've never been in a Walmart and don't drink Dr. Pepper.

When's that coming out, anyway?




That works though, because people that age know how to DO STUFF.

What, no 3-ways? Y'all lack imagination.

The problem is what do you call the next bunch? The even newer mutants? Totally fucking new mutants?

Ugh…that Kirby cover. So much better in its original form. People really can't do shit now. Computers are nice, but thay won't make good aesthetic decisions for you.

Victorian Slum House?