
Is that before or after she teaches them to properly pluralize "dwarf"?

Will this game finally got to the truth about the German attack on Pearl Harbor???

"Nothing at all about food preparation! Nary a mention of the noble potato!"

This app did good with making me smiling or old, but for some reason it makes me black with the young or female filter.


I just wonder what his key motivation will be…it would be so AMAZING if they had it like the seventies Thanos, where he was literally in love with the physical manifestation of DEATH, and brought in all the weird cosmic/psych stuff that Starlin was doing.

Yeah, right? "This scene is amazing. (shows .05 seconds of scene)

I liked the one where he and Bron had to move that piano into the red keep.

How is the rest of Green Day doing?

I'm not saying you are not fun at parties. I am saying everyone is.

Any port in a storm.


Has anyone done: "Like my dick" yet?

Dude, saying "I'm actually quite fun at parties" is like saying: "I'm actually quite fun at circuses" or "I'm actually quite wet in swimming pools": i.e., the sort of thing that people who aren't any fun, but think they are, say.

Maybe they will do what Marvel did after the first superhero boom…sci-fi, horror, westerns, romance and commie scare stuff.

There are probably other reasons. Causation does not imply correlation.

Lou Ferrigno was in the CFL.

I'm looking at it more as: Creating a badass fictional organization that you just KNOW people are going to eventually think is cool and put the insignia on stuff, then filthing it up with real-world genocidal badguys.

Yah, I was gonna say the same. Suzi was a huge influence on Joan.

Ah, right….and in the movies, Hydra sort of stands in for the Chitauri who are a totally different thing.