
Don't forget that lighter colors look bigger, too. I just got an Epiphone Sorrento reissue in natural maple that almost looks proper sized!

Can't wait for Halloween and all the giant Hela helmets.


In defense of the ~tiny~, in addition to being a proper-sized human, I'm also a guitar player…and starting in my teenage years, I noticed guitars didn't look as cool on me as on my heroes…like, Angus Young's SG looks all fucking giant and cool, but on me, an SG looks like a ukelele…

(Checks for vagina)

I think people watched it because it was fun.

I'm 6'2". I'd love to comment further, but that would require me acknowledging you as the same species.

Yah, but WHO had it?

He never struck me as a very laughy guy…

I dunno. This last supposed chem attack makes no sense as an actual attack.

We'll fire nukes into Syria, but somehow, there will only be minor damage.

Ugh. Joseph Goebbels is rolling in his grave right now.

Sigh…and here I thought Cate Blanchett might have aged out of being my sort of thing.

I kind of wish they would go with a bad-guy-target-of-the-week format with an overall arc on top…kind of like The Blacklist does.

Jon Bernthal will always be Dolph Lundgren to me.

Isn't this basically the core mythology of Scientology?

Jeez. I kinda liked it.

I don't even understand this. They reported it on the radio as we were "retaliating against a chemical weapons attack"…but, like, doesn't a thing have to actually happen to YOU in order to retaliate against it?

Yeah, I am talking the extreme upper end of gen x. Guys who are 52-55.

He died in '84, but I'll pass it on when I see him.